unknown coral

lazaro torres

In Memoriam
not sure, its a cool piece tho...I sent you a PM about the frags, my inbox should be cleared out now.
Its most likely in the echino family. Not really looking like echinopora lamellosa family. Ill see if i can look that one up. For a frag fee,lol. Kidding.
Hey Karen :)

I have to dissagree.
I am thinking its in the Faviidae family, not the Mussidae family...

Im thinking some species of Echinopora... ?
But I dont think is
Mussidae Autralomussa rowleyensis, because in the picture the polyps seem to radial and fleshy, where as Autra Row. has skinny more elongated polyps with very pronounced coralite structure.. Although, on second glance... this one does have very pronounced coralites...

But I think its to radial... I DUNO! you may be on to something...
Just thought Id pop in.

OH GREAT! Now Ive confused myself!
Yes this one is a one of a kind.DaddyJax thinks its a Scolymia Morph,it was one of his EXOTIC pieces,he has many Magnificent pieces.
I combed the echinos and mussies and couldnt match. I also searched favia's and they didnt match. Actually Lazaro is right. This is in the scolmia family. The one i picked.
According to veron. The closest coral that is Autralomussa rowleyensis. The similar species is scolmia vitiensis. Perhaps that. Although the pic in this book doesnt resemble what you have. I will scan and post the pics.
My choice
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v298/wentreefgirl/Picture-1.jpg">
Door number 2
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v298/wentreefgirl/Picture001-4.jpg">