update on my O. scyllarus


New member
I thought that I would update u guys on my O. scyllarus. I still have not been able to indentify what the sex is has of yet. Its been in its den most of the time. So the instant that I know I will post what the sex is. Btw the O. scyllarus is about 3". This is my first bug and I have to say I love it. It looks like I'll always have one. The bug is in a 10g tank right now but I plan on upgrading to a 90g tank in a couple of weeks. This tank will only have the O. scyllarus, a lion fish, some live rock and soft corals. In the process of getting a Mantis Shrimp from my LFS the owner never seen one and he fell in love with the Mantis has well. He plans on getting one for himself soon.
Moviegeek, has Dr. Caldwell said anything about why Mantis Shrimps die while molting? Seeing now that I have a O. scyllarus I will be looking into this myself to prevent death of my own O. scyllarus.