Updated pix of my ~450g fire hazard


Premium Member
BK400 external finally up and running. Dead silent, incredibly finebubbles, but there are some design issues IMO. Too soon to comment on skimming per se, but it shows a lot of promise.

The whole tamale minus the lighting setup. Still working on that. Also still hashing out the electrical stuff on the left hence the open cabinet door and all the cords on the floor.

Finally a couple shots of the 10 postage stamp size purple tangs. These dudes were on firesale b/c they've got HLLE. A little fresh veggies will take care of that.


Yeah, I know, the tang police and cleaner wrasse police are coming for me.....
Originally posted by Moonpod
Yeah, I know, the tang police and cleaner wrasse police are coming for me.....
Like they would be able to find those tiny fish in that monster of a tank! It's starting to look good, are those back plates just sitting in there, or did you glue them down?
Very nice. Amazing how a 10' tank can look in pictures as if it is 6' long. Mine comes out the same in pictures.
Chuck, is your cleaners from Hawaii? I can get them cheap but I was not too sure if I can get them to eat.

The BK looks COOL.. What is that 1/4" hose going down one of the drain tube for?


Very nice set up Doc ;)
Is this a FOWLR set up ?.
Did you ever think about running a vet/ dry system with your FOWLR set up?
From experience is good to have just for a back up. As you know is unavoidable for some of the fish to become ill and need to get the tank medicated that will be so much easier to just take the LR out of the tank and treat the system.
Good luck with your very nice new tank.
I Need you to elaborate about the BK skimmer also things you like and don't like about it you know we all like new toys.:lol:
Zoom, I tend to be somewhat nihilistic in regards to my fish. One I don't buy sick fish--trust me on that one. Two, in a healthy system if the fish has any gumption, it'll pull through.

The tube is the drain right? It's going to a drain to the outside.

The Hawaiian cleaner--who knows. We'll see.
moonpod said:
Zoom, I tend to be somewhat nihilistic in regards to my fish. One I don't buy sick fish--trust me on that one. Two, in a healthy system if the fish has any gumption, it'll pull through.


Not always lately many good reef and FOWLR keepers had there tank fish population wipe out , from some type of fish disease.
I'm not nihilistic with my fish , they are my pets i have some over ten years .
I had a small out break of parasites in my tank recently and was nothing i was able to do about it .
Is getting better now but i was not happy man for a long time.
As for not buying sick fish none of as will like to do, is been many times that we buy a fish that looks perfect and after putting it in are tanks it will come down with something . I will agreed with you most will pull through in a good stable system but i saw many fish don't.
Just a thought.
I think he means the 1/4" line going into the outlet vent of the BK.

Oh that's the RO/DI topoff line. I had to stick it somewhere.

Zoom, out here it's easier to avoid sick fish. You get 'em with less "handling" ya know? I quarantine anyways (most fish not all).
no mostly they hide. They are now eating a bit of cyclopseeze and mysis and grazing, but they are still pretty skittish. Occasionally you get some schooling, but remember these are very juvenile fish and what they mostly want to do is hide in the rock.