Updated Tabk Pics

I know! If their systems are good then they could just regrow it and all would be happy! Hey brad have you seen any colorful cap coral? The ones that grow flat like a plate? Well if you see some give me a call!
have you guys ever had issues with locals or anyone else when you harvest while diving? I see alot that make me go "oooooh I want that" but never pluck a piece for worry of someone getting ****ed.

Channel Crevices has really nice coral
Never any problems; however, I am extremely low key about it. I never do it in high traffic areas usually no one is around when I go diving. It is funny I see locals pulling stuff out of the water all the time.
I have two frags so you guys can stop by whenever you want to. I wont be home until 2030 tomorrow or you can stop by another night this week. Just give me a shout 090-1947-9875