Hello Reef Central,
I haven't posted for a while but my project is still going strong, with new students involved, new critters and new tanks.
I've been spending my free time helping other teachers start their own aquarium projects and doing some
blogging for Reef 2 Rainforest media.
Below are some new pictures from this spring.
A new tank! New 15 gallon nano setup in a first grade classroom. A generous follower donated some inverts and my friend Justin donated two juvenile clownfish. One more classroom with a direct connection to the ocean.
I shared my project with other educators at the National Science Teachers Association conference. Jeff Turner also generously invited me to hang out at his Jellyfish Art booth.
My project got jellyfish fish and I used jellyfish to teach a 5th grade ecology unit. In this picture, a volunteer and kids tank notes on Jellyfish morphology.
My students are researching marine conservation and creating all kinds of promotional media to educate their peers.
We bought 2,000 pods from Reeftogo.com and started a amphipod grow out tank so we can seed some of our newer tanks with inverts. Any advice on how to do this will be greatly appreciated.
Recent picture of our 90 gallon tank. The orange tree sponge that Liverock (richard) donated is still hanging in there.