Updating NCPARS.org...please be patient.


In case anybody notices...I started to upgrade the ncpars.org site around 3:10pm today (Tuesday).

I had not upgraded to 7.9 properly before so I'm doing it again now. It may require some fixes once the file upgrade is done, so be patient. Ron will be going through it once I'm done with the files.

...at least I can still smile at the silly stuff.

The new site foul-language filter on NCPARS.org has edited all the documents that contain the word "saltwater".... Can you figure out why? :)

Don't say it here...just laugh to yourself.

Thanks Kev!!!

The new site foul-language filter on NCPARS.org has edited all the documents that contain the word "saltwater".... Can you figure out why?

I don't get it?

Put down the liquor and step away from the keyboard...

There's a hidden word in "saltwater" which is barely "foul". The word starts with the first "t" and ends with the second "t" in "saltwater"....get it?


Fizz-I know, I know...I didn't actually say it, but Tim's drunk again and needed guidance.
Hey! I resemble that remark! NOT!
AAAaaaaaaaaaaah I see says the blind man....

Ya had ta give it away Nix didn't ya...
Still having problems with the forums and advertisnig. The file transfer keeps erroring and I have to start over...at 45 minutes a try. I even tried to go one directory at a time. I think I need to take the site OFFLINE to do it..maybe I'm having problems because people are still hitting it.

I am having some MAJOR issues getting the site to update to the latest version. Since we were hacked and lost most of our content anyway, I may start the site all over again.

The problem with PHP Nuke (the produt we're using) is that it is very modular written by many different people. Example..the forums, the photo gallery and PHP Nuke are written by three different companies. When one upgrades, the others may or may not work properly.

I can't spend too much time on it right now since I'm at work, so I'll try to play with it tonight...I may have to just delete everything and run it as all new installs, instead of upgrades.

I know this is bad timing with the swap coming up, but it was the hackers that started all this, it wasn't my choice.

..just a note. We don't have the membership only section security in play yet (or the BOD section). We'll wait until all the 2006 dues are in from the swap and put it in place. The 2005 list is backed up, but not restored to the site...I didn't think it was worth it 2 days before the swap. :)
