Upgrade classic Tunze system??


New member
Hi guys
I have a Tunze 17GB system, is there any upgrade parts to make it more efficient more up to date!!, been reading that the injector nozzle/hydoformer has been upgraded from the early skimmers?? would i also benefit from use a taller skimmer chamber from say the 240/3
Also the media in the reactor pots, does this need replacing after a lenght of time?

Thanks for your time
Without making a somewhat custom pump from a 5005 there wouldn't be a practical way to use the taller cup, you would need more performance from the pump than any of the stock options. The 3130.130 would boost the performance of your existing pump, this is the new nozzle. The literature generally considers this media permanent, my personal opinion is that this would be true in an ideal world but often soften detritus gets to the media and minerals crust up and clog pores and I would personally prefer to change one chamber at a time with a few months between for them to get cultured after about 2 years. If you have the older 3150 osmolator the newer 3155 is a big improvement.
Thanks for the quick reply, i'll order the parts up later,. i love the sytem and has yet to give me a problem :)

Thanks again