Upgrade Time... 210 gallon Build

Great build, really like how things are coming along. I'm right around the corner from you and would like to check out the tank sometime if that's cool.
Little Update

Little Update

Things have been going well up to this point. I completed my first water change this past weekend along with the first Zeo stones exchange. I also brought up a couple of corals to the display tank. Canopy construction is slated for next weekend as my buddy has been tied up on other projects. Below are a few pics:




And now the clown is happy the anemone is back!

Thanks guys!!!

Yeah, I want to see the canopy and doors too!! LOL!! But life always gets in the way of the best laid plans. This weeks project will be to build a breakout box for my Apex so I can setup the ATO along with the skimminate box and high and low water level sensors..
Wow! Nice build! I just read through the whole thing. I am curious about how you added the sand. I noticed the water went in first. Was their any trick to adding the sand after?

The sand was soaked in RO/DI for a few days until the PO4 reading was 0. To place the sand in the tank, I just scooped it up into a Tupperware container and slowly lowered the container into the tank. Once I was close to the bottom I just poured the sand out. No real trick, just take it slowly and it works fine.

Wow! Nice build! I just read through the whole thing. I am curious about how you added the sand. I noticed the water went in first. Was their any trick to adding the sand after?

great build, after reading basement builds part of me wished i didn't live in Fl

one thing and i'm not a part of the Tang police but what happened to your poor tangs face?
Got her when she was about the size of a quarter. She has always had that hole in her head and the spots on her cheeks. She is 4 yrs old and is fat and happy. I rarely see Blue tangs that look pristine. They just love to try to fit in places they don't LOL!!
Small Update

Small Update

Well the tank has been up and running very stable for over 2 months now. The canopy is still not built but yes, it has been started. I should have pictures of the build by the end of the weekend. Tonight I modified my good old trusty Coralife PUR RO/DI system from 4 stage to 6 stage. I now have a 5 micron sediment filter followed by a 5 micron carbon block which feeds into a .06 micron carbon block. This feeds my FilmTec 75GPD RO membrane which is finished off by dual DI resin cartridges. I also added a pressure gauge and dual input inline TDS meter to keep an eye on things.

Here is a how it looks now:

I made some more progress on the canopy today. Next step is fitting the oak trim around it and ordering the doors.





Looks good, how are you planning your exhaust for the canopy?

I have 4 fans that I am going to use, they are 140mm fans rated at 65 cfm each and a db rating of 18, so they are nice and quiet. As for their location, that is still up in the air. My first plan was 2 on top and 2 on the back, with the rear ones blowing in and the top ones blowing out. Now I have thought about all 4 on the back or all 4 on the top. I am sure in the end I am probably over thinking the configuration of the fans....
Well amid the craziness of the holidays I have been able to get some things accomplished. I have started to paint and stain the canopy along with getting the wires ready for the VHO installation. I painted the inside of the canopy with acrylic enamel and stained the outside with a 3 coats of Polycrylic. Today I installed some additional support in the basement as I was not happy with the bounce of my living room floor. The tank is right along the wall perpendicular to the joists so I wasn't worried about it sagging or falling through the floor. But I did notice when you walked the tank walk shake a little. Just made me nervous with a ton of mass moving. So I put a beam across the joists and installed 2 floor jacks to eliminate the bounce. There were some real cool things I could have installed like IBS2000 cross braces or this real neat system from LDS but there was just too much stuff in the way (HVAC etc...). I also upgraded my heaters to twin 500w Titanium elements. I was having trouble maintaining temp in the system overnight with my old heating config which was a 200w and a 300w.

No more bounce!

Turn up the heat:

Some more canopy progress shots:
