Upgrade Time... 210 gallon Build

I do plan on purchasing an automatic standby generator in the future. Since I have the ability to install it myself it will run me around $2800 for a 10Kw Generac with auto transfer switch. With that in mind I only purchased a 4Kw portable to bridge the gap for the time being. I didn't want to spend the $1000 on a 8Kw portable as that would be cutting into my future plans for the auto standby unit. This ETQ fired right up on the second pull. I put a load on it and it held voltage very well. You definitely have to start these portables a couple times a month and place a load on them as well. If you don't, it could end up not starting when you need it the most!!
Well, as of now all the fish are down in a QT in Hypo as I made a boneheaded move to which there is no explanation. I purchased a pair of Blue Throat Triggers from a local reefer and somehow decided in a moment of disillusionment to place them right into the DT without my normal QT regimen. And of course, they had ICH on them. Felt like the girl who had sex for the first time and got pregnant...You can read about that in my other thread here http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2150621. But for the most part things have been going very well on the new system, just going to miss seeing the fish in it for 10 weeks!!!
I am sorry to hear about your incident. I know how difficult it can be to deal with a situation like this. Good like with your Hypo treatment.
EddieJ, wanted to check in with you to see how the Herbie system is still running for you. Is it quiet? Have you balanced the two overflows yet?
EddieJ, wanted to check in with you to see how the Herbie system is still running for you. Is it quiet? Have you balanced the two overflows yet?

They change balance when my various vortech modes move water around. It is very quiet when I run it at a point where a little bit trickles down the emergency stand pipes. Problem is I put my gate valves at the base of my stand with the remaining drop into the basement. When it's working correctly at full siphon the valves are VERY noisy as the water rushes my them. I would need to but the gate valves down in the basement to make it run silent. So overall I am happy with it, it may not be 100 percent FAILSAFE, but works for me. One day I may redo the drains with the valves in the basement.
Any updates on your system? I just purchased the same tank which is what brought me here! :spin1:

It's been a challenging year, but the system has performed very well. The tank has been solid and I do enjoy the 30 inch depth for presentation, but it does create a small challenge with maintenance.

Today chaos broke out in the tank. The Blue and yellow tang figured they would kill my Flame Wrasse. Poor guy has been thru hell this year!! Had to get him out and try to save him in the QT. He is pretty beat up, hopefully he will get his strength back and starts to eat. His fins are real torn up again. He went thru this earlier this year when my clownfish decided to go gangster on him.