
Here's another one I got abt a few weeks ago .. Candy Cane goby
I have a few goby's in this tank..
Tiger goby,yellow watchman,blue tiger,and of course
just a few shots .. Got bored ..

Same manderin but got a little bigger ..

my sixline wrasse
( i put the background as black n white so this wrasse pops out better in pic )

my green birdsnest
I see those creepy arms sticking out of crevices when I am diving. Usually when viewing my UW photos after I dive do I notice them. Strange how you do not really notice how colorful and full of life a divesite is until you view your photos. I am getting the diving bug. July 10th can't come too soon!
Great pics!!! Love all the LPS!!!!! You have some very nice zoas too!
I used eggcrate under my rock work too, in my 90 gallon. I did it mostly so that when my engineer goby digs his 'passages' he wont upset the balance of things. One draw back I found to it so far was trying to keep a long tenticle anemone that really wanted to put its foot in the sand, but it kept hitting the eggcrate and got frustrated, finally, after a few weeks, I found it floating around this morning, I felt bad for it, so I brought it back, I'll have to get a bubble tip, or something, that wants to be on the rocks.
Thanks for the compliment, on the pics . I wish you luck on your anemone,, Hopefully it will find a place and be happy lol .I love my zoa's and how all my LPS are growing.. I would have to wait 6 or 8 more months for this tank to settle in since its only 2 months old or so,, then I can put SPS or clams lol . I love my Zoa collections and I am still in hunt for rare corals lol. But for now it will have to wait since I do have to wait for it to settle ..