Urgent help

this is me

Active member
I'm not sure if I should post this here but it seem to be a connection between this and the giesman forum. The reason why i posted here is that It seems like Phil doesnt not check his forum very often.

I got this 250w nova II about 6-7 months ago and today after coming home I smell something burning. I checked everything and felt the ballast and it almost burn me! The smell is from the ballast!
Quickly unplugged the ballast and inspected it. From the venting holes of the ballast, i can see the inside of it and notice there was a crack. Opened it up and here it is. I'm afraid to put it back together and plug it now.

I am sorry but I don't work with Giesemann anymore. I sold my shop and while I am still friends with Phil, he is who you need to speak with, the ballast is ruined and you need a new one, that is clear. My advice is to call him, Xenias phone number is on the giesemann website www.giesemannlicht.com