US coral/fish importing laws


New member
hey everyone,

I have to write a report for a class on a government agency and i decided to focus on something fish/coral related. I would like to focus on the legislation of coral and marine species into the United States. However, I am unsure of where to begin looking for the laws regulating this and which government agency would control that.

Can some wise sage offer some help?

Oh young scribe use the power of the internet and google US coral and fish import laws and ye shall find the knowledge that you seek.
US Fish and Wildlife would be a good place to start looking, as well Cites Appendix II.
They be the guys one needs to get the permits thru. Also they are the ones that confiscate illegal shipments ;)
i would also try us customs web site too and see if there anything in there on it .. they are the ones that open the boxes when they hit LAX to make sure your not importing something on the restricted list
onUntil you open a box of Vipers. I worked in a pet store a couple decades ago...and we used to get [violation] stuff in.

"What the hell are those?"

"Some kind of viper. Stick 'em in the freezer."

Nothing to mess with.
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I too have opened boxes that went straight to the freezer as well! Stuff slips by, but it is usually not endangered stuff- just dangerous stuff!