US Dealers?

Berkel tropical
Kent pet supplies
Johnnies reefing experience
Fish and other itchy stuff
Manhatton aquariums
3rd coast corals
Sustainable reefs
The living reef
VIP Reef
Amazon stingrays
Saltwater fantaseas
ashville aquariums
Coral Corral
Reef Culture
Marine solutions
Fish world
The aqaurium company
aquarius fish systems
Peeling productions

These are all dealers that have registered with us for supply in the last 3 months
Glad you posted this Michael - there's a reefer local to me with a Profilux that's wanting to expand his system, but he never gets on the boards... which dealers has the most stocked items? He's looking to fully automate his system and seems to "want it all", if you will ;)
Well if you are looking for immediate supply and not a dealer that will ask us if we have it in stock and then ask us to drop ship it for them then i would go to

Failing that Berkel Tropical marine carries various GHL stock, and of course progressive reef normally have about $35,000 worth of stock on hand for immediate shipping.

Please note due to current "natural disasters" aka the Volcano our bi monthly shipments from GHL have been distrupted and we have about 2 weeks to get freight moving again so you will find some items on back order everywhere at the moment. Even we cant control the forces of nature.
Please note due to current "natural disasters" aka the Volcano our bi monthly shipments from GHL have been distrupted and we have about 2 weeks to get freight moving again so you will find some items on back order everywhere at the moment. Even we cant control the forces of nature.

Isn't there an upgraded module available for the Profilux III EX to handle that as well??

does anyone of these dealers have a website

i need a few cables and 24.00 shipping for every little thing is getting old
Nope i dropped all other internet stores last year, not going down that road again :(

There is a cheaper option on the site, you are selecting ups shipping
Nope i dropped all other internet stores last year, not going down that road again :(

I think chadfarmer maybe asking if any of the US dealers have a website to order the GHL products from. From the ones I looked at, they did not.

I noticed ReefGeek is on the list, however the website does not give any indication that they carry GHL products.
sorry i wrote that very late last night after fighting with a wireless bridge for 7 hours that has a habit of jamming my incoming router, I should of been a bit more explanatory sorry.

Reef geek is an exciting partner, we promote him a lot for his own range so if we can get things to a level where Greg is carrying stock you will have a fantastic new outlet. We are also now working with Aqua Cave and fishy and other itchy stuff in Florida. So as you see there are some big things happening at present.

We stopped last year supplying dealers that do not at least have a warehouse. We need companies willing to carry our products not just use the name to drive traffic to their sites. it was a tough decision but we needed our clients to know that if they contacted this dealer they actually had stock they were advertising. We had too many frustrated clients searching for items with dealers that had no stock to really offer.

However we are taking on more dealers now that have web stores and store fronts also, Manhatton Aquariums is a prime expample of this.
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Michael I was thrilled to see "Asheville Aquariums" on the list. I contacted the owner to make sure it was indeed him (they are called The Asheville Aquarium) and he confirmed it's true! That's freaking SWEET! Dave said he's hoping to be able to carry in-stock Profilux product which would be AMAZING! :)

The idea of having a local source of In-Stock Profilux product makes me need (ok WANT) one even more :)
Yep :) we look forward to working with them and supporting them heavily.

And one more for the books

The Living Reef
1780 Doyle RD
Suite 4
Deltona FL, 32725

Lots of new dealers coming onboard now for the USA just please give them tie to get established with stock, please still order through them and we will service their requests swiftly
Michael, I emailed aquacave to ask when they would have product with no reply. Can you tell me when they will have stock?

I need 2 power bars and a standard 4doser.

They are concentrating first on dosers, the first shipment will be next week when back in stock.

If you want power bars then ask them to order these with the doser shipment