UV LEDs -New Russian Roulette?


New member
Just recently Many companies Start using new UV LEDs for their lamps.
I start question myself how they can be dangerous to us. For many years we are using UV filters. All of them come with warning about UV lights. Many industries require their employees to use protection When UV light is involved.
So gentlemen where about our LEDs?
Another question I have What credentials people who design those lamps have When comes to safety When using UV LEDs ?
The UV in LED lights is not true UV. True UV is from 10-400 nm.

LED UV is 403 nm (ecoxotic at least), and is not dangerous. It's the closest we can safely get to bring out proper darker, purple colors. Like putting a blacklight over our corals.

There's no safety or conspiracy concerns here.

There's more radiation coming off a halide bulb due to the energy usage than a LED diode.
12x 3W @ 700mA/Chip
UV Wavelength: 380-385nm/385-390nm、390-395nm/395-400nm、400-405nm/405-410nm
Small Form Factor: 4.4mm x 4.4mm led's?
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The common blacklight bulb peaks around 365nm. While I wouldn't stare into them all day I doubt incidental exposure is going to be any more damaging than going outside.
UV sterilizers use UVC. UVC is the one that can most seriously damage your eyes (and VERY quickly). I really don't think there's much to be worried about with the UV leds at all.
I'm not saying UV exposure is healthy but let us keep this in perspective. My shielded metal halide bulbs emit wavelengths from 350nm on up. I wouldn't compare using that fixture to playing Russian roulette.
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I'm not saying UV exposure is healthy but let us keep this in perspective. My shielded metal halide bulbs emit wavelengths from 350nm on up. I wouldn't compare using that fixture to playing Russian roulette.
And LED lamps are not the same.....
Couple days ago I was cleaning my aquarium and I was very close to my LED lamp. Should I turn off lamp doing cleaning?
Should I Be concerned Because close contact. How much UV Will penetrate
My skin ?
Any ideas gentlemen?