UV sterilizer instead of HOB skimmer??

Like others have stated get a skimmer a good octopus hob would work nice... If it was me I'd stay away from the uv fine line dialing in the flow so you only kill the bad stuff and not the good. Clean up crew is lacking a good starting point Is 1 Astrea/blue leg per gal so should have about 20 astreas and 20 blue legs emeralds are good too just make sure you get females... Any good lfs will know the difference
Im not comparing a UV to a skimmer, rather just implementing the UV to see how it does in slowing/[stunting??] algae growth. Trying to see if I can save myself some cash, and having to see a bunch of components in my DT. And with only having tried it for a day cant very much say anything other than the few changes I have noticed in this 24 hr period. I am not gonna run it continuously either.

I will prob end up getting some more snails I guess, tryna stay away from hemits though..

maybe i should go to FMAS meetings..
Hey guys, not trying to be argumentative, but I've run skimmerless in my 14gal with 3 fish (regretfully one a tang), feeding heavy, and I've never had any algae issues apart from when the tank was new. Maybe I'm the exception. Not saying a skimmer is not important (I've got a big one for my next build), but just adding a skimmer may not make the problem disappear. Just posting from my limited experience. I read somewhere that a skimmer is only a small percentage of your overall filtration system anyhow.

Not trying to do this...:deadhorse1: or underplay skimmers. Hope this doesn't come across the wrong way:clown:
Lol on 14g, 5gal water change weekly or bi weekly will solve anything haha.
and wow a tang in there huh? WHEW ~
Actually 1.5-2 gallons weekly;)

Yes, lets not revisit the Dory in the Biocube fiasco, LOL! Before hanging out on RC, I used to frequent many nano forums and nanos are a whole other animal. It seems every website has their own way of thinking and ideas of what is right, wrong, necessary or not, etc. Not that a 40BR is a nano, but its on the large side for a small tank. I find on RC there is an overall misunderstanding for smaller tanks, and people just don't like them (unless you hang out in the nano subforum). Anyway, that's my story. Just giving a different perspective on things. On other forums, you'll see more 30-40 gallon skimmerless setups just getting by on waterchanges and good husbandry.
I just said 5 because of potential high nutrient but that amount is perfectly fine. :)

My dad has 29g tall and I do 5g a week because he doesn't have skimmer and have tons of things in there. Fish and corals seems happier with a bigger changes in his tank but it's just my preference.
My 2 gallons, your dad's 5, and the OP's 10 is roughly the same. We are all doing it the same. What's all the bickering about, LOL! J/K! :)
You right, on a 14g a skimmer isnt a big deal. We arnt talking about a 14g though lol, and there is already algae growing AKA water changes alone arnt cutting it
I think what was causing the algae bloom is using those water jugs that I used to dump the stagnant, 90gallon. I replaced them and hopefully that helps.
Those containers wernt your problem. A quick rinse with a garden hose and they should be fine (which you already said you did)
Those containers wernt your problem. A quick rinse with a garden hose and they should be fine (which you already said you did)


your problem is bio load. when i first set up my 40 i had a cpr hob skimmer hob fuge (maid by the same company that does miracle mud there pricy but you can find cheaper) and hob bio pellet reactor.

you can make your own bio pellet reactor for about 60 or 70
Go to west marine. they sell them as water filters there 28.99 i think, then buy a pump of your choice (thats the most expensive part) pvc and a barb and small amount of plastic tubing.

get a hob skimmer and a hob fuge for sure though.
heres i what the bio pellet reactor looks like


and sorry for the size but this is what everything looked like hooked up to my 40.

It's cool I like HUGE FTS, how did u like the CPR backpack recommend it? I'm sold on buying a skimmer just gonna save for like a week or two and buy one.

Just doin research now and comparing reviews.
I also agree with Al that the containers probably aren't the cause of the algae.

I think we're also overlooking the fact that the clean-up crew consists of 3 astreas! There is no way they can keep up with the detritus and larger wastes such as uneaten food. I would try to get dozens more of each astreas, turbos, nerites, nassarius, etc, etc, and a couple Mexican turbos as well. A variety of snails, and a lot of them, is very important. I only have a few hermit crabs. I have my reasons, but they can be very helpful in dealing with algae, detritus, and wastes.

From the pictures you posted, the algae problem doesn't seem that bad and a much, much bigger cuc will make a big difference. If you can get a sea hare, it will be a huge help. It looks to me that you just have the standard turf algae that newer setups usually get. I don't put in corals or fish in my tank until it has gone through the various algae phases that new setups go through and is fully cycled. I'm still kind of old-fashioned and wait a good amount of time before adding fish or corals. I always wait at least 3 months, usually 6 or more. This is just what has worked best for me over the years and I've seen a lot of tanks that have, in my opinion, been stocked way too early that barely last a year before a crash. Rome wasn't built in a day... but a day is all it took to bring it down.

How long has this tank been up and running? Newer setups go through some different algae growths even if you have relatively no bioload and great filtration.

Make a big step up in your cuc, keep doing weekly water changes and you'll probably be okay. Adding a protein skimmer will also be a very big help not too far down the road, because like I said earlier, Tangs have very high metabolisms and consequently produce a lot of metabolic wastes like ammonia. As they get bigger, and they will very quickly, you are going to have a very difficult time dealing with their waste (a lot of your corals won't be able to with it) even if you have a skimmer. Again, I hope I don't come off as rude, I'm (everyone else as well) just trying to help prevent you some major headaches down the road. Reefing is a game of patience and a battle between deficiency and excess (I stole that last part from Aristotle's "Nicomachean Ethics").
It's cool I like HUGE FTS, how did u like the CPR backpack recommend it? I'm sold on buying a skimmer just gonna save for like a week or two and buy one.

Just doin research now and comparing reviews.

The CPR bak-pak isn't that bad. I used to own one about 10 years ago. If you mesh mod the impeller, which is very easy to do, it can be a pretty decent hang-on skimmer. I agree that if you can add a sump, your skimmer options become much, much better. Even if you just add a 10 gallon tank as a sump with the main purpose being just to add a skimmer (the extra water volume is always a benefit), you're options will big far greater, and maintenance can actually become far easier. Adding a sump can be done for a lot cheaper than you probably think and can make for a world of difference in the health of your tank. I'm not saying that it's something that you need to do, but it's definitely something that I would highly recommend and you should give it some real serious thought.
It's cool I like HUGE FTS, how did u like the CPR backpack recommend it? I'm sold on buying a skimmer just gonna save for like a week or two and buy one.

as for skimming it worked pretty well only problem i had with it was micro bubbles in the dt. micro bubble were very annoying for me and some say there unsafe for fish.

I agree that if you can add a sump, your skimmer options become much, much better. Even if you just add a 10 gallon tank as a sump with the main purpose being just to add a skimmer (the extra water volume is always a benefit), you're options will big far greater, and maintenance can actually become far easier. Adding a sump can be done for a lot cheaper than you probably think and can make for a world of difference in the health of your tank. I'm not saying that it's something that you need to do, but it's definitely something that I would highly recommend and you should give it some real serious thought.

+1 after a month or so of having my forty i add a hob surface skimmer and 10 gal sump traded in the cpr and got an eshop cone skimmer best move i maid.
just gonna save for like a week or two and buy one.

Best advice is to save up get a good one! Rather than get one, just to get one. If you skimp here, chances are you will only be dishing out more money sooner than later, upgrading to the one you'll wish you got from the start.
Rome wasn't built in a day... but a day is all it took to bring it down.

really interesting never thought of it that way.. Guess I stocked too soon, got carried away with new tank excitement. But ALL of you guys have made great points and I had been considering adding an overflow box. I have my old 29 which i can make into a sump with acrylic baffles (Glass if they bond better).

Question? How would the return on on overflow box type system be plumbed or attached to the DT?

Having a sump would definately minimize the components in my DT which i think makes it so apealing to me. Plus the extra water capacity equals more water parameter stability.

Thanks guys this is why I love RC.. to help me out when I got questions and need help.
