UV Sterilizer Pros and Cons?


New member
Any Cons to running a sterilizer other than cost?

I just setup an excessive amount of sch 80 pvc to work with my new Hammerhead Gold, my aged and reliable MRC MR-2 skimmer, and whatever else I ever need to run in the future. The manifold sections will outlive me so it would be simple to add a sterilizer in.

A couple years back I had quite a takeover of algae, largely due to having a baby and having no time to fight it. After quite a bit of effort, many of the algaes are gone or well beaten down and teetering on the ropes. A sterilizer might give me that final victory over the algae?

Thanks in advance for any advice,
The con is that it doesn't really do anything.

It will kill algae that is suspended in the water column; ie, "green water" that some freshwater tanks get. It won't affect algae that is growing on the rocks or glass.

Algae is caused by excess nutrients. Come up with a plan to eliminate them and the algae will stay away and you'll have a healthier tank.
Kills too much beneficial stuff, they do work great on freshwater ponds. Lamps need to be changed every 6 months.
Bottom line:

Those that have used them like them.

Those that have not used them don't.

Not true I had two for about two years, one 40 watt on my 200g and a 9 watt on my smaller tank. It was an experienced reef keeper who told me of all the good things that are killed because of one. I have not used one in 10 years.
Thanks for all the quick input! I'll pass on it for now and work on getting my chemistry more in line, perhaps add a powerhead, and work on setting up my old 50ga as a reservoir and potential refugium.