UV Sterilizer ?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8573694#post8573694 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Bret61081
Go check them out, Rob sells them at Exotic Aquatic...They are pretty nice units
Thanks Bret
That is so funny Brian, I just looked at that unit this morning and said "Wow, that looks interesting". I think Patrick is carrying that line also, I am thinking of getting one myself.
If you're running a sump,then you can just plumb a UV unit in-line.You won't need any additional pumps & only a minimal amount of re-working of your main plumbing.I run a unit,in line after my chiller,on my return line.This will prevent you from having the unit you are considering,in-tank.I got mine to polish the water & can really say the water has been crystal clear since using it.HTH
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8573946#post8573946 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Speckled Grouper
That is so funny Brian, I just looked at that unit this morning and said "Wow, that looks interesting". I think Patrick is carrying that line also, I am thinking of getting one myself.

Andrea....I told you I could read your mind....:)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8575098#post8575098 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by 45commando
If you're running a sump,then you can just plumb a UV unit in-line.You won't need any additional pumps & only a minimal amount of re-working of your main plumbing.I run a unit,in line after my chiller,on my return line.This will prevent you from having the unit you are considering,in-tank.I got mine to polish the water & can really say the water has been crystal clear since using it.HTH

I always think of things later after thing are all done.......45commando.....Sound like a easy change over but just finished redoing my pluming for the 3rd time.....this is why I was asking about this all in one unit
This is wat I run I have no exp with that unit

This is wat I run I have no exp with that unit

But since UV been out I've been using lifeguard /That i recall 10 years ago got one for my pond and still going strong(only bulb changes) as far as my setup i used a bigger unit as u know in terms of watts. LIFEGUARD LIFE FAN LOL:eek1: Not that much plumbing invoved!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8575299#post8575299 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bckane
just finished redoing my pluming for the 3rd time.
yea but it's only the third time,so in the reef tank scheme of things that is basically zero.Kidding aside,I think you'll be happier with an external unit in the long run,& like Gasman stated,it is not much of an issue to incorporate a UV into your system.HTH
hey i work at Exotic Aquatic and used one of those on a friends tank, he had free floating algae so bad that you couldn't even see 3" into the tank. it was gone in a day or two and has had no problem. it is a really nice and compact unit for a nice price. i highly recomend it.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8585995#post8585995 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by whaler1582
hey i work at Exotic Aquatic and used one of those on a friends tank, he had free floating algae so bad that you couldn't even see 3" into the tank. it was gone in a day or two and has had no problem. it is a really nice and compact unit for a nice price. i highly recomend it.

Thanks Josh
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8586704#post8586704 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bckane
Thanks Josh
Still IMO u want somthing incorporated to your setup. plumming is not much of an issue
Brian, I am not a big fan of uv sterilizers only because of their required maintenance to keep them working correctly.

It is my understanding that the germicidal capabilities of the bulb decreases significantly rather quickly and there is really no real way to find out when it is that they are adding any benefit or not other than changing the expensive bulbs regularly, and by experience this will happens once and from there it will never get change again.

The other factor is that they work effectively through extended contact time this unti doesn’t appear to have sufficient space to keep the water flowing around the light enough time therefore their value is minimum IMO.
As if all this wasn’t enough, I know of someone that owns a chiller made by this same company and when it broke on him it was a nightmare to get any service from them.

Just my 2 cents
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8587900#post8587900 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Voltekker
Anyone know about this ?

Yeah, some reefers think it's worth it and some think otherwise. Really depend on what you are comfortable with. Me...I don't use for the same reason Rogger stated. Regular water change and good filtration is good enough IMO. HTHs.
i run an aqua uv 40 watt inline sterilizer. its a beast! like 4 ft long.. lol

UV sterilizers kill everything in the water column. rock, sand etc are where are all the bacteria you need are.

bulb changes should be done annually, and ran 24-7. if you turn them on and off, it degrades the bulbs life.

you can get more out of the bulb change by constantly running low flow through, to increase contact time.