UV Sterilizer


Premium Member
Im in the market for a UV Sterilizer....had bad luck buying a used one. Has anyone used one of these....
Pentair Aquatics AquaStep UV Sterilizer-10 Watt
I have a old one i used to use on my small tank. I know you dont want to buy a used one but i'll give you this one for nothing if you want it.

Its a Current Gamma uv sterulizer, model 1400- 8 watt. Might need a new bulb, probably does.

Like i said, it's just sitting around so if you want to give it a try, you can have it.
Hey sufunk if Bckane doesn't tank the uv I will. I am having a little bit of a bubblealgae outbreak after 1 popped in the tank. I hear that a uv may beable to help control the spores.

Let me know


Thanks for the offer sufunk....Im still not sure what brand I want to buy. Hate to buy a new bulb and not be happy with it.
Matt its up for grabs I guess
Thanks again for the offer....that was nice
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12462293#post12462293 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bckane
BTW Matt its about 40 bucks for a new bulb...

Damn! Really?!?!

That's almost as much as a mh bulb!

No problem Brian, if you want it Matt, you can have it. I haven't used it in about 18 months. I thought it was working great and controlling algae in my small tank when i realized that it hadn't even been plugged in for the last 6 months!:p