Vanilla / Cotton Candy Smell?


Active member
Has anyone ever gotten a smell of vanilla or cotton candy from their filter socks? I think it's aromatized dying algae / dinoflagellate / bacteria of some sort. It got most prominent when I was dosing Vibrant on a daily basis.

it smells delicious :)
Has anyone ever gotten a smell of vanilla or cotton candy from their filter socks? I think it's aromatized dying algae / dinoflagellate / bacteria of some sort. It got most prominent when I was dosing Vibrant on a daily basis.

it smells delicious :)
First of all, what?! No.... Lol. But I have to ask about the vibrant. It says to dose once weekly.. You dosed daily?

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I forgot - im running carbon (Lignite) and RowaPhos (300g changed out every two weeks). The water doesn't smell at all - its just concentrated in the filter socks when I change them out (every 2-3 days).
First of all, what?! No.... Lol. But I have to ask about the vibrant. It says to dose once weekly.. You dosed daily?

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yea - once per day for 5 days around two weeks ago - haven't used it since because it threw some nutrients out of whack and started a small dinoflagellete bloom.

Skipped the water change last week

Changed the water out on sunday (45 gallons out of 340).
yea - once per day for 5 days around two weeks ago - haven't used it since because it threw some nutrients out of whack and started a small dinoflagellete bloom.

Skipped the water change last week

Changed the water out on sunday (45 gallons out of 340).
Ok, that makes sense. Sorry for that... Still, to answer your question, no cotton candy for me unfortunately.

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I may not be dealing with dinoflagellates like I thought. This might be cyanobacteria / bluegreen algae:

The study also discovered that musty or Earthy odors serve as relatively effective warnings for the presence of harmful cyanotoxins. USGS scientists studying the effects of the harmful algal blooms on lake water quality found that blooms in Midwestern lakes produced mixtures of cyanotoxins and taste-and-odor causing compounds, which almost always co-occurred in water samples.

I guess it could be called earthy instead of vanilla / cotton candy... It's definitely a strange odor