Variations in Zoa response


New member
I currently have 3 different zoa frags that seem to be responding very differently to almost identical conditions. I have them located mid depth in my 75 gallon tank. I have a 72 LED dimmable set up turned all the way down to the lowest intensity. I have them all placed within 4 inches of each other so flow/light/temp are all similar. 1 colony opens wide, 1 colony barely opens and 1 won't open at all. Is this typical?
I would say it is typical that not all zoa's prefer everything being the same. Yes some zoas prefer more light, some prefer more flow, etc. Try moving yours around and see if it makes a difference. Some will react differently to your water chemistry, etc.
I only ask because often I see people discuss zoas very generically, as if the only differences between these animals is the color.

All three came from the same tank at LFS, the variation in response to my tank is interesting.