Video of Feb 2008 FMAS meeting - Collecting Laws

:crazy1: Well basically the video tells us law enforcement dos not know what they are looking at, well except that fella that was giving the speech :hmm6: collecting anything in Florida is just a pain.........
Bear in mind that the State just recently combined several different wildlife agencies including law enforcement, so there is going to be some "growing pains" as these guys all get to know their new jobs and learn the ropes.
Also, they spend 90% of their time dealing with the rules and regs regarding commercial fishermen, and tend to have very limited realworld experience with ornamental collectors... especially coral species.

I remember it driving me nuts when he kept referring to certain corals as plants, but all in all, I think for a kid from North Dakota(?) he did a really good job on putting that presentation together from scratch and using Google images... which we all know how accurate those can be... :lol: