New member
100 gallon tank
A. percula pair #1 in S. gigantea (purple #1)
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This is my first percula pair (the ones who started it all ) and my first purple gigantea. For some reason these clowns refuse to grow any further, despite good feedings and being in the largest tank. They hardly ever leave the anemone, and if, only for one or two body lengths.
They share the anemone with one porcelain crab. Originally it was a pair and they were all getting along, but one crab disappeared.
Sumatra Regal Angel pair, Starcki Damsel, Percula pair #1, Mandarin pair, Orchid Dottyback, Bicolor Blenny
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The larger (who's gonna be the male) re-gained his weight and is now not just well nourished but outright fat, but the smaller female is still wider. Both eat by now like there is no tomorrow and usually get along well. Though sometimes there are short chases that usually end when the female gets around a rock and out of sight of the male.
The Orchid Dottyback is the lone survivor of the group I had in this tank. I plan to add more once they are done with quarantine.
There are actually 2 Bicolor Blennies in this tank - hopefully a pair. During tide-changes (when the flow-pumps are off) they do a funny dance, but do not fight. It's the only reason why I haven't fished them out as they like to feed of my acroporas.
This tank also has a pair of mandarins. They spawn almost every night. I plan to add a second female which is currently in quarantine.
A. percula pair #4 in S. gigantea (purple #3), Philippine Regal Angel #2 (80 mm TL), Bluestripe Pipefish pair #1, Highfin Goby male, Banggai Cardinal pair #2, Bicolor Blenny
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This was the last purple gig I bought. It is straight under a Kessil A360NE and still stretches to the light. In QT I had it under a 165 W Mars Aqua. The green patch to its left is the first gig I bought from LA. It didn't like the flow in the 18" cube. The percula pair (#3) didn't treat it too kindly in the end as well. I'm currently trying to nurse it back up.
These percula turned out to be the best in coloration. The female has also grown the most of all my percula pairs.
The Regal is the submissive of the 2 Philippine Regals I rescued a year ago. Back then he was paper thin:
The Highfin Goby pair separated after the move from the 18" cube to the 40B. This tank has a total of 10 pistol shrimp (Alpheus randalli), so there are lot of shrimp to pair up with for both. The male preferred a place near the anemone while the female wanted to stay at the far end of the tank where I currently have no light. The male sometimes swims over there and they hang out together for a while, but he always returns to his spot.
42 gallon tank
A. percula pair 2 in H. crispa (not at its full size due to the early morning time the video was taken), Marine Bettas, Neon Dottyback and juvenile Sumatra Regal Angel #4 (73 mm TL - not sure if it's really a yellow belly as it was sold to me)
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The crispa is not at its full size due to the early morning time the video was taken. The percula had developed a lot of black and had a nice orange, but lost a lot of color since I paired them with the crispa.
This regal is the most fearless of them all (maybe the Maldives baby is equally fearless). He is definitely the king of the tank and even picks fights with the large Marine Betta.
The small Marine Betta is tank bred and seems to be unafraid of being out in the open. The larger is wild and a bit more reclusive, but not shy either.
The dottyback is not making any trouble - he does his best to keep a low profile to avoid being disciplined by the regal.
A. percula pair #1 in S. gigantea (purple #1)
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This is my first percula pair (the ones who started it all ) and my first purple gigantea. For some reason these clowns refuse to grow any further, despite good feedings and being in the largest tank. They hardly ever leave the anemone, and if, only for one or two body lengths.
They share the anemone with one porcelain crab. Originally it was a pair and they were all getting along, but one crab disappeared.
Sumatra Regal Angel pair, Starcki Damsel, Percula pair #1, Mandarin pair, Orchid Dottyback, Bicolor Blenny
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The larger (who's gonna be the male) re-gained his weight and is now not just well nourished but outright fat, but the smaller female is still wider. Both eat by now like there is no tomorrow and usually get along well. Though sometimes there are short chases that usually end when the female gets around a rock and out of sight of the male.
The Orchid Dottyback is the lone survivor of the group I had in this tank. I plan to add more once they are done with quarantine.
There are actually 2 Bicolor Blennies in this tank - hopefully a pair. During tide-changes (when the flow-pumps are off) they do a funny dance, but do not fight. It's the only reason why I haven't fished them out as they like to feed of my acroporas.
This tank also has a pair of mandarins. They spawn almost every night. I plan to add a second female which is currently in quarantine.
A. percula pair #4 in S. gigantea (purple #3), Philippine Regal Angel #2 (80 mm TL), Bluestripe Pipefish pair #1, Highfin Goby male, Banggai Cardinal pair #2, Bicolor Blenny
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This was the last purple gig I bought. It is straight under a Kessil A360NE and still stretches to the light. In QT I had it under a 165 W Mars Aqua. The green patch to its left is the first gig I bought from LA. It didn't like the flow in the 18" cube. The percula pair (#3) didn't treat it too kindly in the end as well. I'm currently trying to nurse it back up.
These percula turned out to be the best in coloration. The female has also grown the most of all my percula pairs.
The Regal is the submissive of the 2 Philippine Regals I rescued a year ago. Back then he was paper thin:
The Highfin Goby pair separated after the move from the 18" cube to the 40B. This tank has a total of 10 pistol shrimp (Alpheus randalli), so there are lot of shrimp to pair up with for both. The male preferred a place near the anemone while the female wanted to stay at the far end of the tank where I currently have no light. The male sometimes swims over there and they hang out together for a while, but he always returns to his spot.
42 gallon tank
A. percula pair 2 in H. crispa (not at its full size due to the early morning time the video was taken), Marine Bettas, Neon Dottyback and juvenile Sumatra Regal Angel #4 (73 mm TL - not sure if it's really a yellow belly as it was sold to me)
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The crispa is not at its full size due to the early morning time the video was taken. The percula had developed a lot of black and had a nice orange, but lost a lot of color since I paired them with the crispa.
This regal is the most fearless of them all (maybe the Maldives baby is equally fearless). He is definitely the king of the tank and even picks fights with the large Marine Betta.
The small Marine Betta is tank bred and seems to be unafraid of being out in the open. The larger is wild and a bit more reclusive, but not shy either.
The dottyback is not making any trouble - he does his best to keep a low profile to avoid being disciplined by the regal.