i like your setup very nicely done one question im setting up a 90g in wall and my wife and i really like the trim you put around your tank. how big are the access holes i would like to copy your design if you dont mind
The original concept was to make a roughly 10" opening so that I can get in and out of it pretty easy to clean the front glass. Once everything was said and done, we or I did not really put into consideration that there would have to be additional wood frame to hold the doors in place. So once everything was done, the hole opening came out to be 8.25" which is plenty big enough for me to do whatever I want. But if I were to do it again, I might make the opening 12" so that when finish, would reduce down to 10" with the frame in place. But I am 100% happy with the frame, and am still able to get in and out with no issues. The door itself is about 10.5" so you get an idea.
Thanks for the compliment guys, a lot of work but well worth it in the end. The copperband is doing very well, I have high hopes for this one although it has not eaten anything I added to the tank. I have tried a lot of different types of food with the exception of live. Going to have to try live mysis or brine next to see what happens, so far he is devouring the rocks picking at it like crazy so that is good news.
Been a while updating this thread, but I figured I would post up some new additions.
I have a Diamond Goby in my tank already, and wanted to pair it up with another. I figured if they didn't pair that there would be plenty of space for 2 in my tank. Man was I lucky when I added a second Diamond Goby into my tank. I put it in an acclimation box to see how the other Diamond would react to the new addition, I thought I was going to lose one with the aggression I was getting. The goby inside the container looks like it was going to kill the goby in the tank as soon as I let it out. Everytime the Diamond goby swam by it would go crazy, but once I let it out they went into the same hole together. They would both bite each other on the tail, and that was it. Now they are both swimming around the tank as a pair and happy.
I picked up some Black Ice from Booyah's reef at our first annual frag swap. I have yet to add them to my tank as I have a pair of larger black oscellaris in my tank already.
Added this Leopard wrasse a few days ago, and so far it is eating everything.
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