Visability "0" Going to the Keys for Rock!


RC Sponsor
Well folks December has been the worst month for diving we have ever had.

We went out today and there is "0" visability, I could not see my finger when I touched my mask as it is so dark and turbid, making collection of rock impossible.


We are off to the Keys tomorrow to harvest rock from our aquaculture site in the Marine Sanctuary.

Keys rock is totally different than our Gulf rock, so for customers waiting for the second 1/2 of their Packages, the Keys rock is an option if you want. I do not see any rock coming from our Gulf site for at least a week to ten days, and that is if we do not get anymore fronts with thirty knot winds, as it usually takes that long for the visability to return.

We are leaving early tomorrow, will be shuttling rock back every day. My partner is staying there and diving everyday, and I will be driving the rock back to Tampa until we can dive our Gulf site again.

Mary will be back in the office on Monday to ship out orders.


Richard :rollface:
Heh. I think we have all been waiting for them to be posted here. You mean they put up pictures elsewhere? Why? :p
Looks like a fair number of sponges and a large amount of Macro algee. I think I like the look of the Gulf rock better but the Key's rock is nice as well.

Richard: the one thing that I have heard is that TBS rock tends to be much denser than other types. Is the Keys and Gulf rock about the same density? Also is there as large of a population of Mantis shrimp in the Keys as the Gulf?

2 weeks til my tank gets here and counting...
