Volunteers needed for MACNA 2013!!


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Volunteers needed for MACNA 2013.

As time draws near to one of the biggest MACNA's ever, FMAS is asking for help from our generous membership.

FMAS has been working on this project for the last 2 years in an effort to showcase our reefing community to the rest of the world and make MACNA 2013 one of the best MACNAs ever. Yes, this is a North American conference. However we have reservations from South America, Central America, Australia, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. We need your help to successfully accomplish our goals.

We need volunteers for registration, vendor assistance, raffle, sponsorship/advertising, hospitality, security, and many other areas that this huge endeavor will require.

We understand everyone wants to be able to enjoy the conference (even if you volunteer.) We have resolved that by creating a "œpackage" for the volunteers, which will allow you to help FMAS and enjoy MACNA 2013 as well. Not only will you be receiving this package, but you will be giving back to FMAS.

This is your chance to give back to your club. And show the International community what a great club we have here in South Florida.

MACNA 2013 is a three day long event, however we will need volunteers as early as the Thursday morning for setup through Sunday afternoon.

So what's in it for you? Besides helping out your club and fellow members, we are offering the following: For every four hour shift you volunteer. You will gain free entry to the vendors and speakers for the remainder of that day, along with 10 raffle tickets.

Those interested please email me with your availability and contact info (name and phone number) to AquamanE@comcast.net. Subject line : MACNA volunteer. Please use this subject line as we are now receiving 50-75 emails per day just for MACNA.

FMAS needs you! :thumbsup:
I will help Ed.....you got my number

thank you Marke, but please email as instructed above. With as much communication we are getting and organizational duties i can see those that dont follow directins getting lost in the flow. :lol::deadhorse1:
Oooo instead of having uncle Sam, u should have a pic of yourself doing that pose Eddie lol. U are the chairman

LOL that would have been funny. Marvin did that art for me, dont think he has that talent, but then again, i think he did it on his phone,LOL
Thanks guys. We've had a good response but need more!

We want to make sure these vendors and attendees are treated well. We want to be able to meet every demand this show will create, and trust me, there will be plenty.

Lets showcase South Florida.:spin3::bounce1:

Our committee just finished a meeting today from 9AM-till 3PM, and we are now doing this every 2-3 weeks. Matt doesnt like the pastelitos we got for brkfst, he doesnt like the Calypso band Julio wants, Tony doesnt like the Speaker shirts, Julio and I argue, Lourdes is going nuts with registration transfers, Marvin steps in .........and calms us all down...........:debi::sad1:

Its thankless work, but we know the final product will be AWESOME!!!! At that point I hope we can all say: all the hard work from all the volunters and committee was worth it. So much work in 2 years......:crazy1::crazy1: this is the final stetch.

LETS GIT ER DONE!!!!!!!!!:dance:
This is your chance to help make history. I promise you guys this will be an experience you won't forget. If it is, Eddie will give you frags from his tank. :D lol
So i'm sure your probably going to receive more volunteers than needed. How will they be determined?

I have an idea..

What ever it takes! Lol

I don't know if you saw the fine print. But it requires sneaking into his house at night when everyone is asleep. :D

You guys are too funny!!!

Marvin you should be glad you took that awesome chalice yesterday that brought home for us from Denver. Eddies tank isnt getting the TLC its used to because of this thing, hopefully something will be left by September., LOL :lol: