Vortech Stopped

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10685075#post10685075 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Fliger
I will check for rubbing before the weekend is up, hopefully it is as easy as that. They are from Marine Depot.

I am sorry to say, that is a HUGE red flag and I had a feeling based on what you were reporting, that was the case. Marine Depot is famous for selling old stock. I got a Tunze 6025 from them that was supposed to have been recalled.

You may in fact have gotten an older version and the first thing you need to do is record the serial numbers and contact Eco-Tech. Typically the numbers are on the back side of the driver. But before you do contact them, you have to check for the rubbing. That will be one of the first things they will ask you about.

But just because rubbing is found doesn't mean it will be easy to fix. There are multiple reasons why they could be rubbing so you will have to trouble-shoot that with a Vortech technician.
Thanks for the help Jonathan. Bummer. I'll get the serial numbers and just post here if thats OK. Its hard to do this over the phone, mid-day/mid-week as I run one business and am starting another - and maybe this thread will help others having the problem. I'll post pics of the rubbing.

It failed again this morning - and its definitely a solid red light, and a flashing green light.

Thanks Edward - I think I'll do that. Every time I turn my flow down I get cyano. I still have a 6100 and might buy another as backup.
Well, posting here is no gaurantee that Eco-Tech will respond as they have asked customers to use email for support questions.

See their thread regarding that.
Thanks again! OK, I will contact them via email per that thread. I'll update this thread in hopes to help other VT owners.

This morning I'll try to check for rubbing and probably put the spacers on set for 1/2 inch.

And now I'm off to enjoy the holiday weekend in 110 degrees! :)


Since you have 2 pumps send one of them back so we can inspect it and take care of any problems. Ship to Icecap 9B South Gold Drive Hamilton NJ 08691. There definitely sounds like a problem some shere in the pump. Its impossible to troubleshoot unless we can actually see the problem and inspect all components.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10686880#post10686880 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by IceCap Service
Since you have 2 pumps send one of them back so we can inspect it and take care of any problems. Ship to Icecap 9B South Gold Drive Hamilton NJ 08691. There definitely sounds like a problem some shere in the pump. Its impossible to troubleshoot unless we can actually see the problem and inspect all components.

Thanks. I'm leaving in a few days so I'll just crank them down and wait until I get back. One quick question though, with my glass being 15MM - given the symptoms is it possible that its because I'm not using the spacers? Is this a problem that would happen on 1/2" if you didn't use spacers?

And if so - since my pins are slightly bent - would cutting them out make any bit of difference? Would the only downside be if I sold these to someone with a less thick tank?
The Vortechs in question were bought right after the quality control issues and from the new manufacturing run. I know because the previous owner, GT, who lived in Phoenix, asked me when the best time to buy was. I did not know MD could have kept old stock. I sincerely hope that was not the case as Fliger and I split the 3 pumps GT had. I have not hooked it up yet(was waiting for wireless controller). I'll do that in next couple days and see how it runs.
To our knowledge Marine Depot has never sold old stock of the VorTech pump. We request that any returns are always shipped back to us so that we can evaluate them. Therefore it's pretty impossible for them to have shipped an older version of our pump.

Fliger- What ever your pump's problem is will be resolved with our service department as quickly as possible. No reason to continue speculating as to what caused it because it's impossible for us to say at this point.

Just got a second but I'm not worried at all. :) Just trying to make a plan of action before I leave - I'm having some cyano and I can't lose the flow for now. After all this is done I'm pretty sure I'll be ordering two more from AS - wanna wait until I see what the new controllers will do first!

I pulled out the spacers and I'll see if that makes a diff. Just a question though, would the pumps shutting off (red solid/green flash) be typical if you ran VT's on 1/2" without the spacer?
Just thought I'd drop a note - been gone for 4 or 5 days and my wife reported no red lights. I put the rubber spacers on - so maybe it was just running too warm. I'm running them right around 50% - I really hope on the new wireless drivers - the knob tells you where you are at. A little frustrating trying to figure out what % you are running them at.

It looks like the other thread got locked - but in Marc's thread he mentioned that the new drivers might fix some stalling problems? Should I wait then for the new drivers, or still send it back? I'd prefer to wait - if the new driver will help.

Good luck with the FCC. I'm not complaining - but if you can give us some kind of update - I'm sure most everyone on the list would be greatly appreciative!

Thanks and back to the golf course for me .... :)
Its a week later, I have the pin spacers on both VT's. The pins were bent so since the pins serve no purpose on my thickness - I clipped them out. The ridges keep it perfectly tight. Anyway, I haven't had a single failure - I'm up to around 75%. Working great, so great in fact that I just bought two more. :) Really impressed.
Good to hear it turned around for you. These pumps are quite different from anything we have all used before, so there is definitely a learning curve IMO.

I had one stalling on me the last two days, so I pulled the wet end and popped in a fresh one. Although the original wet end appeard to be function when I inspected it, I am sure that it was dragging due to being dirty. So into the vinegar it goes!