Vote For.....

Rogger Castells

New member
We are in the process of selecting candidates for the three elected positions in our club, as you may know currently Chris Little is the President, I am the Vice President and Dean is the Treasurer.
All these positions are elected by the members through voting, so far Chris Little & Dean has expressed their desire to continue with their positions for next year, I will be stepping out of my position but will remain active as a board member.
Anyone could nominate them self or someone else for any of the Vice President and Treasurer positions and according to our club by laws the President position needs to be filled by a member that has serve on the BOD for at least 1 year.
Please feel free to give me your opinion or post your nominations.

Thank You!!!
Pedro there is a better description on the club by laws, I cannot find it anymore on our website, did you moved it?
it is basically support to the president
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10891690#post10891690 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Rogger Castells
Pedro there is a better description on the club by laws, I cannot find it anymore on our website, did you moved it?
it is basically support to the president

I didn't move them, they're in the About Us section. Here's the link for those considering the position ;)

FMAS Bylaws
Excellent, here is the section that indicates the position duties, most of the positions are open and available however only 3 positions need to be chosen by voting, (President, Vp & treasurer) if anyone will like to take on any of the other appointed positions please let us know.


Section 1.

The President shall preside at meetings, sign documents, and be an advisory member of each committee.

Section 2.

The Vice-President shall, in the absence of the President, act as the presiding officer and shall be the Program Chairman. The Vice-President shall be an honorary member of all committees, and shall be informed of any business of said committees so that s/he may present it to the Board in the absence of a committee chairperson. The Vice-President will procure guest speakers for monthly meetings. It is the obligation of every committee chairperson to contact the Vice-President, if s/he will be unable to attend and routine monthly meeting and to give their report to the Vice-President to present at said meeting.

Section 3.

It shall be the responsibility of the Recording Secretary to inscribe the proceedings of all meetings and to be prepared to read those specified records when requested. This office requires the maintenance of club records, excepting those designated to other officers. When the President and Vice-President are absent at any meeting, this Officer shall preside. Copies of the minutes for each past Calendar Year shall be deposited with the incoming President. Minutes for each board meeting will be distributes by the Secretary to each Board Member prior to the next scheduled meeting (to allow for review).

Section 4.

The Treasurer shall keep in order financial records and/or books and tender by check recognized expenses incurred by the Club. Checks shall be signed by two elected officials. The Treasurer is required to present, immediately prior to the Fiscal Year (the Fiscal Year is defined as January 1 through December 31), all financial records to the person(s) specified by the Board of Directors for audit and shall include a written statement of the financial condition of the Club. Audit shall be done by an independent accountant. The Treasurer shall present a monthly financial statement to the Board of Directors and also at any time at the request of the President.

Section 5.

The Editor of the Newsletter shall be in charge of any material directed to that office for printing and/or publication. The Editor shall include all items as decided by the Board in the Newsletter.

Section 6.

The Membership Chairman is empowered to accept membership applications and dues, which shall be forwarded to the Treasurer. The Membership Chairman is also required to keep a record of all members and their status, maintain current membership roster, and have membership cards available for the new members to pick up at the next routine monthly meeting. Dues will be turned over to the Treasurer with name, type of membership, and payment method. Updated member roster including name, address, phone, email will be forwarded to the President, Secretary, Treasurer and Newsletter Chairperson monthly.

Section 7.

The Show Chairman shall supervise all phases of the Annual Show and appoint all committees for that show.

Section 8.

The Field Trip Chairman shall plan collecting trips and special outings. The Chairman shall also maintain a written record of all trips (dates, members attending, costs, fees collected) and provide this record to the Secretary and the Treasurer at the meeting immediately following each trip.

Section 9.

The Parliamentarian shall serve as the Chairman of the Committee on By Laws and will insure meetings are conducted in accordance with correct parliamentary procedure as set forth in the most current revision of Robert?s Rules of Order?.

Section 10.

The Historian shall be in charge of keeping records of the Society?s history, including newsletters.

Section 11.

The Librarian shall be in charge of the books and reference materials owned by the Society. It shall be the responsibility of the Librarian to maintain a current inventory and s/he shall account to the President for all materials placed in his/her custody prior to leaving office.

Section 12.

The Raffle Chairman shall arrange for the monthly prizes and shall be in charge of the distribution of raffle prize tickets. This Chairman is to be allocated funds for the purchase of raffle prizes, the sum of which is to be set by the Board of Directors. The proceeds from the sale of raffle tickets are to be placed in the hands of the Society?s Treasurer, after being verified by two officials. The start and end number of tickets used shall also be provided to the treasurer.

Section 13.

Other positions, as directed by the Executive Board shall be appointed, shall maintain records as necessary and shall have voting privileges.
I didn't see in the by-laws where the president position needs to be filled by a member that has serve on the BOD for at least 1 year.

Does that mean, any prior year?
Matt, that is a good question and I don't know the answer, however, I understand that the Bylaws posted on our website are not the complete version, Chris has the full version.
I will ask him to forward that section to you.
The club has a by-laws and a constitution. We currently do not have an electronic version of the constitution (I'll work on getting one asap), but the section regarding the president's requirement states, "Nominees for the Office of President must have served on the Board of Directors for a minimum of one (1) year." I assume that if someone has served on the board at any point for a continuous year they would be qualified to be nominated for club president.
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If they're game for the position, I believe Rogger, Joe, or Matt would be great choices for President/Vp
Not to put words in Rogger's mouth... uh, fingers. But I believe he's pulling an LBJ, i.e. not seeking re-election. Right, Rog'?
Thanks Chris, but I am not allowed to serve on the board because I have a commercial business in the MO trade. I just volunteer and do as much as I can to help.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10900036#post10900036 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by pedromatic
Not to put words in Rogger's mouth... uh, fingers. But I believe he's pulling an LBJ, i.e. not seeking re-election. Right, Rog'?

I don't know what LBJ means, but you are right, I will not be seeking re-election for the Vice presidency, I feel the club needs more time than I can spare for now, if this changes in the future and the club members would want me to serve again then I will gladly do it.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10907178#post10907178 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by macawmagic
lbj is lyndon b. johnson. old U.S. president. yay for history class...i did learn something!

Heh heh, thanks for the backup, magic man. Yes, in this era of TLAs (Three Letter Acronyms), LBJ could mean anything. But I meant the former president who gave a speech saying that he would not seek and would not accept nomination to a second term. Guess that shows my age.

Thanks for your service, Rogger. OK, so who wants the gig then?
I belive Chris has stepped up and remarked then he would like to be president for another year. If this is true then I respectfully would not want to challenge him. He's done a great job this year and has big plans to make his next term even better.