Wallpaper... BIG files posted here

Mekong- the "jpg" was capitolized- i just changed it to lower case and voila!
great shot of a great fish.
its funny how blennies do like to pose for you...
Two of my pics that i realy like. Oh and Blennies do love to pose.


And a close up. I need a macro lense but not bad for shooting without.

It's been quite some time since I posted in this forum. I'd like to thank everyone here {especially gregr} for their help. My aquarium photography has improved greatly since following the advice found in this forum. Here's a recent pic taken of my anemone and ocellaris with my CanonA70. {Makes a great desktop!}
gorgeous pictures everyone!

here is my wallpaper, my yellow watchman goby. This is my favourite photo so far. I love using grey back ground with this fish otherwise his color doesnt show up really well and get lost in the picture. However, i couldnt spend too much time on this photo so as you can see i even forgot making gray some parts of the photo
btw can you see the picture?

another thread rescue by gregr :p
i got this shot at the last tank tour my club did (maslac). saw some really beautiful tanks, and this was one of my favorite shots of the day:

the owner says the anemone was sold to him as a white carpet- not bleached but naturally white.
Our club covers a large area, so we will probably have 3 tank tours in the near future. Greg, would you fill me in on any details that make the tour a successful one? PM would be fine, or email.
Alright Atticus, this one's for you.

This is a reef shot from a 120g that I took photos of for our newsletter. Here's a 1280 x 960 shot:
