WAMAS Spring Meeting 5/20/06 (VA/DC/MD/PA/DE/NJ/WV)


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WAMAS Spring Meeting

WAMAS, The Washington D.C. Area Marine Aquarist Society, will be hosting its Spring Meeting on Saturday May 20, 2006 from 1:30-5:00p.m. in Vienna, VA (immediately outside Washington, DC).

Special Guests and Highlights:

- Speaker: Leah Neal - Talk Title: Large Reef Exhibits: A Collaborative Approach
- Craig (Beltwaybandit) Burch - Talk Title: Electrirical Safety

Bio: Leah Neal

Position: Aquarist, Coral Reef Exhibit, National Aquarium in Baltimore

Talk Title: Large Reef Exhibits: A Collaborative Approach

Bio: Leah Neal moved from Boston 3 months ago where she had been living for 8 years, to take this position. While in Boston, she graduated from Northeastern University with a Bachelor of Science in Biology and worked at the New England Aquarium. While working at the New England Aquarium she worked in both the Education and Fishes Department. Within the Fishes Department she worked in the Temperate and Tropical Galleries, as well as with the Penguins. The majority of her almost 5 years at the New England Aquarium was spent as an aquarist for their largest exhibit, the Giant Ocean Tank. As a diver she logged over 1500 exhibit dives and almost 900 underwater hours.
While in school she also completed an internship at the Living Seas in EPCOT. At the Living Seas she worked as an aquarium intern working with their many exhibits. Most of her time there was spent with their largest exhibit at 5.7 million gallons. She started at the National Aquarium in Baltimore in February, working with three tanks totaling over 500,000 gallons.

Along with lots of frag swapping and a great raffle, this is sure to be a meeting NOT to miss!

For further information on the WAMAS Spring Meeting, visit our web site http://www.wamas.org/

Who: WAMAS (Washington D.C. Area Marine Aquarist Society)
When: May 20, 2006 (Saturday)
Time: 1:30 P.M. - 5:00 P.M. (EST)
Where: Oakton High School
2900 Sutton Road
Vienna, VA 22181

Cost: Members - FREENon-members - $5.00

[WAMAS Annual Membership = $20 - Individual; $35 - Family; $10 - Educators; Free - Students]


1:30 - 2:00 Sign-in / socialize
2:00 - 2:15 Introductions - Club News
2:15 - 3:00 Craig Burch - Electrirical Safety
3:00 - 3:15 Break
3:15 - 4:30 Leah Neal - Large Reef Exhibits: A Collaborative Approach
4:30 Raffle!


- Raffle prizes
- food & drinks provided

- will be written up soon
- NOTE: HS is about 1/4 mile from Vienna Metro stop on Orange line

Here's a map from Mapquest

Map link