Want to buy a stream - 125gal AGA


Active member

I'm thinking about replacing my 4 maxi jets on a red sea wave master pro...

I have on order a Digital Aquatics "ReefKeeper" controller....

My tank is an All Glass 125 60" L x 18" W x 24" D

I have 130 lbs of LR and a sand bed that's about 2" deep.

I would like to either supplement the Maxijet's or replace them all together.

What size stream pumps are recomended? Will the holders that come with the pumps attach to the thick rim of the All Glass tank, or will I need to puchase the magnetic holders? How would I position the stream pumps (ie where would I put the pump and point it tword).

Right now with the maxijet's I have a few "dead zones" in my tank that I'm really wanting to eliminate.

Thanks in advance!
I read the thread but what do you mean by

"In all honesty the ideal for your tank would be one 7400/2 with a single or multicontroller- doesn't matter too much in this case, and a Wavebox. "

I'm looking on Marine Depot, and I don't see anything that says 7400 on it. Thanks again

Your tank is a little different because you have less substrate and it sounds like a coarse grade, at least not sugar sand. The Streams are primarily for large SPS tanks. While the tank you have is long it is short and narrow and that can channel the flow and make it more dramatic. If you plan to keep anemones I would advise against the Streams. If you plan to keep lots of long flowing polyps LPS I would advise against the Streams. The 7400/2 provides a gentle flow as well, the outlet is 1" in diameter so it is quite large compared to normal powerheads. This is the pump I would prefer unless my tank was of corals that can appreciate the current the Streams provide which are mainly SPS and leathers. With that said, the wavebox is the only flow solution out their that will absolutely eliminate deadspots. It is also important that you know the 6060 and 6080 cannot be switched off and on more than once an hour. If you feel your tank is best suited for the Streams the 6000's would be my choice and I would get two, one for each back corner- they cover a 4 by2 by 2 area. These pumps can be run on the multicontroller and the flow can be electronically controlled. It sounds like you live near Nanook (Dave), many hobbyists in your area use our pumps and I am sure you could find one in the St Louis club forum who would let you visit and see them in operation so you can make an informed decision.
Great thanks for the reply!

I'll ask some fellow SEASL members here in St. Louis.

I was looking at the wavebox as well.

Do you recommend the Multicontroller 7095 for the wavebox and the 7400/2 ?
sorry should have included:

My sand is about 2-4 mm sized araginite

Oh, and how would you position the 7400/2 in relation to where the wavebox would go, or is the 7400 required to run the wavebox?

Sorry, I need to find a website that explaines how these work, would www.tunzeusa.com be the correct site?
It depends, the wavebox can function completely on its own. To make the 7400/2 pulse it also needs a controller but it will run on it's own. If you don't take an interest in the moonlight feature and don't intend to expand or think you will need another pump the single controller may be fine for you.
www.tunze.com and it is a bit out of date, the website update will go up in late March I believe. The new products are on the Interzoo 2004 PDF on the first page. Otherwise their is the answer to most things in this forum, especially wavebox questions as their is easily 100 pages on the topic.
Actually the moon light feature is why I brought up this controller, I wasn't able to find any info on the moon light feature. Does this mean you can plug the moon light(s) of your choice into the controller, or does the controller have it's own single LED "moonlight" that you have to use.

For example, I was looking at the Current-USA Moon light system, where you can plug multiple LED fixtures in tandem to one power outlet.
It has a single LED moonlight with lunar phase program so it brightens and dims through all the lunar phases. That is also on the PDF and here their are not quite so many pages but their is some feedback.