Want to buy overflow boxes/pumps


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Well it looks like I can't get rid of my 125g and angels, so I might as well keep them. I am getting rid of my 5-6" gray angel for $50 if anyone is interested. I am setting up a 40B for my reef and I am going to use the 600gph overflow box and 2800L pump on there. That setup is currently on my 125g. So I need to replace the 125g setup with something better. I would like around a 1200gph pump and a overflow box that could support it, if I need two smaller ones, that is fine. Let me know if anyone has anything laying around they don't need or use anymore, thanks.
Thanks for the link and advice ken, I appreciate it. I am really looking just for overflow boxes, but if I find a good deal on a pump, then why not. I might just get a mag drive 1200 or 1800 from TPP, I have tons of 30% off coupons that I could use on a tuesday. As far as the seaclone goes, it's yours, I sold it to you, you need it for your frag tank. I plan on getting a bigger skimmer soon, I have two 100g skimmers, so it will have to make due for now. I will be upgrading tanks eventually, so I might as well get the bigger skimmer, can't hurt, only my wallet, haha.
Yeah, I like those rios, they are cheap and good on the electric bill! If only TPP carried those, then I could get one 30% off!