Wanted all Clownfish!!


I am interested in Purchasing any and all clownfish that anyone may want to part with. I have plenty of room for several. Specifically I would prefer some of the more rare species but pink skunks, orange skunks, maroons, wide-band, 3 band, bluestripe, Allardi, Oman etc. If you have any or know anyone who does, please contact me asap at 405-826-8292. I have 16 years experience with these wonderful creatures and would like to begin propagation of them once again so as to do my part in the stopping of depletion of natural stocks. I look forward to all replies!
Have you written any of your techniques or experiences with breeding the clownfish. Do you have a tank setup that works best for breeding them? Do the different species have different breeding needs? I am not in a position to breed now, but would like to in the future and gain some experience. I only have one skunk clown now. Any insight would be appreciated.
While not rare I do have a Gold-striped maroon clown that I may be talked out of. She is around 4-5", catch would be, you would have to take the anemone as well as the rock it is attached too.
Indo-Reefer: Most of what I have written down is personal notes so I could remember what worked best. The last time as actually spent time breeding clownfish was about 4 years ago. I started with Joyce Wilkerson's book which I would highly recommend. It is extremely easy to read and follow. Now that many commercially prepared brands of rotifers and smaller foods are available, I no longer have to culture my own and thus the reason I would like to start breeding again. I have successfully bred Ocellaris and Maroon clowns and once I got down the technique, was able to raise about 20-40 fry to1/2"-1". I would then give them to friends or LFS in the Tulsa area. I now live in Oklahoma City and would like to breed some of the more rare and diffcult. I have had plenty of success keeping them. I will reply later with some more info but in the meantime, check out that book--it will prove to be invaluable,
Knyght: Thank you for the response. Since I am looking to breed, obtaining a small gold-band that (most-likely "she") will accept and not torture may prove to be difficult. I have several 20 and 40 gallon long tanks up and running and since she would have to come with her anemone, I may place her in my shallow reef/frag tank (50 G Long). I have 4-96WPC and one 150W MH pendant so the anemone should do well. What would you ask for the bundle and what ype of anemone is it? Thanks and feel free to call me at 405-826-8292.
Found some great contacts so far but still looking like crazy. Recently purchased 160# live rock and would sell it for $2/lb. This is nice fijian rock--mostly large show pieces. Also have a beautiful Yellow tank I would trade. Any Clown people out there--let me know! Thanks.

I would trade her for some rock. I just got my 135 on the stand last eve. I`m afraid that the wife would shot me if I traded the gsm tho! :)
Sooooooooooo.....guess in order to avoid having holes randomly placed throughout my body I better keep the clown ;)

just fyi...EA has some ORA clowns in stock.
Thanks Knyght--I appreciate the responses. The rock is still pending trade with another member. I'll keep you updated
So far I have come across some excellent leads for the more rare clownfish and have actually obtained a few. Anymore leads or anyone wishing to sell theirs (no matter what kind) I am always looking for great clownfish to purchase or trade for frags/live rock/other fish etc. Thanks to all so far!