Warning - The Dangers of M/M

Hey thanks for the reply my friend, :thumbsup:

I hear of some who have used the long Vet gloves.

Thanks for the kind words.

Mucho Reef
As Mucho Reef mentioned, it is not just M. marinum that one has to worry about, although a lot of people have approached me since I wrote that article telling me of their expereince with this disease. You also have Vibrio, Palythoa and Zoanthid toxins, lionfish and rabbitfish envenomation, getting stuck by urchins and forams, sensitivity to coral and anemone stings (I have fragmented so many Euphyllia species over the years with bare hands that I am very sensitive to them now), etc. Slipping on a pair of gloves seems like a simple and reasonable precaution to me.
Hey thanks Steven for sharing that. Stay safe my friend and maybe we can chat at the next conference indeed.

I spent the morning doing some cross referencing on line and the accounts were very surprising as far back as 2003.

I also agree, what ever your degree of protection and type of barriers ( gloves ) used, it is a small price to pay for such a serious infection.

Thanks once again for all whom shared something here.

Mucho Reef
I agree with having printed material to show your doctor. Most physicians will not ask if you have a fish tank, or even consider MM until other treatments fail. My diagnosis was in 6 weeks, a short time, only because I'm a physician. The average time to diagnose MM is in months, and the average time of cure is 11 months of antibiotics. I've had 2 biopsies of the lesions, and both have come up negative. The cultures may not appear positive in about 30% of cases.

Hey Ghostman, just wondering how you are doing? Was your incident recent or some time ago?

Thanks for asking about my MM. It hasn't changed all that much, my surgeries have healed, and the swelling is down. The MM still seems to be present as there are obvious lumps under the skin.
I am on a new antibiotic that might be promising as the lesion do not seem to be actively growing. I'm hoping for regression in the next month or so. My MM situation started in March/ April of 2011 as a bulge on the cuticle of my right index finger. That bump went away without treatment, and that's when the larger lesions appeared on the back of my right hand. It started on my first knuckle, and spread quickly to the second knuckle. Surgery stopped it from going to the third.
As indicated, MM isnt life threatening, but it still is nothing to mess with. I've had 3 surgeries, 39 stitches, 4 cycles of antibiotics, and still going. My current antibiotics regiment is $432 a month after insurance! Let's hope it does the trick!! Take care.
But the good thing is that you are going to be ok. I've learned a lot from reading all of this. $ 432 is a serious chunk of change my friend. I will drop you a few PM's from time to time to see how you're progressing. Stay safe.
I'm very new to this hobby and had no idea about these dangers! Thank you SO MUCH for posting such an important and critical thread to all involved in this hobby. I am now adding to my start up equipment some dedicated reef gloves and will be sure to wash my hands after EVERY occasion of working in the tank. Thanks again!!
I recommend this only having limited knowledge (not knowing if you can get MM from anything else other than zoos), but I believe this thread should be made a sticky in not only this sub-forum but in the New to the Hobby forum as well. I think it would benefit all (I've been stalking this forum for 2 months and just now saw this thread).
Sorry to hear this man and thanks for sharing that Deacon.

How long did it take the doctors to diagnose it?


PS. Awesome idea, and I agree that having some literature already printed out on all of the possible issues mentioned above. You can place it in a cabinet or drawer for quick retrieval in the event medical attention is needed. Just knowing the names of these potential dangers will help as the hospital can quickly research them on their medical databases.

I went to the doctors knowing what it was (and with literature,pics) 1 week after first sign.My doctor had seen it 10 times before due to i live in a commercial fishing community and it being more common. I have also known another guy at my place of work who had it before me! It took him 2 years or so to get rid of it and he diagnosed it at something like 6 months and had many different doctors ect.

I got lucky and was smart about it. On a side note my doctor didnt think it was all that serious in his demeanor for treating it! if caught early its easy to treat but still takes forever.I was on strong antibiotics for only a month before it started to fade. I got a paid month off work because i caught it at work im sure that helped in my quick recovery too.

The lesson is diagnose it fast.
Hey thanks for sharing that Deacon.

Have one last question for you. You said above, "My doctor had seen it 10 times before due to i live in a commercial fishing community and it being more common". I know you can't give exact numbers, but how common would you say this really is in your area? Couple times a month, a year or maybe the total number you have personally seen in your area or actual numbers in a year etc? Thanks again for your input, stay safe man.

You're very welcome gmyers0203.

I never thought about alerting all newbies in the "New to the Hobby" forum. Great idea as it could also have an immediate impact for them as well. :thumbsup:

Mucho Reef
Hey Ghostman and Deacon Hemp, just checking to see how you guys are doing and if there were any set backs or are you total on the mend?

Sorry Mucho ive been busy as of late my MM is completely gone as far as i can tell,a small scar is there but its over. In answering your question about the doctor seeing cases of MM i didnt get the exact numbers but he said its more common then i would have thought!. If i recall he said 10 times and that would have been his career i guess?. He was just one dr. at a place with 6 others. I suppose on a fishing boat your hands get beat up/cut a lot and would play a big factor in the frequency. He acualy called it "fish finger". My case started from a wound as well which was a simple puncture on my knuckle. At work i make sure my hands are in mint condition with no cuts and cuticles are perfect.

I hope this is usefull info and get well ghostman.
Thanks for posting this. I have been out of saltwater for years, I'm back in again 3rd time. I love Zoas and plan on them again, I WILL have gloves on everytime i put my hands in the tank. Again thanks for sharing.
After reading this post I feel almost ready to give up on keeping a tank and selling everything I have in fear I might die or get sick from having my tank. This thing was so post to lower my stress not increase it!
Sorry Mucho ive been busy as of late my MM is completely gone as far as i can tell,a small scar is there but its over. In answering your question about the doctor seeing cases of MM i didnt get the exact numbers but he said its more common then i would have thought!. If i recall he said 10 times and that would have been his career i guess?. He was just one dr. at a place with 6 others. I suppose on a fishing boat your hands get beat up/cut a lot and would play a big factor in the frequency. He acualy called it "fish finger". My case started from a wound as well which was a simple puncture on my knuckle. At work i make sure my hands are in mint condition with no cuts and cuticles are perfect.

I hope this is usefull info and get well ghostman.

Good to hear Deacon. That's what this thread was for, just to inform and enlighten those who didn't know to simply use caution. Maybe Ghost can check in as well. Stay safe my friend and thanks for the update.

goldenservices3, you're very welcome.

Atmosphere, no, don't give up and this is nothing to run from. I have been reefing for 20 years now and I have never had any of these issues. For the last 10 or 12 years I have indeed taken much more precautions then I did in my early years. Just remember what you read and exercise said caution.

Reefing is indeed very rewarding and relaxing. So don't dump your system ok?

Mucho Reef