Water Change?


New member
I just started getting brown algae on the sand/walls of the tank ,and the water has clouded some.Is it time for the first water change after the initial cycle?
is it diatoms?
can you get a pic, diatoms are normal and will go away , i would also do a waterchange if you havent done one yet
I agree with Jim, probably time for a water change anyway. Have you decided on a water change schedule?
Thanks guys.Im off work tommoro so Ill do it then.
Im thinking I like the 10 percent per 2 weeks schedule.Thats about what I do on the freshwater tank.
I agree with everyone disagreeable...... Like Just Dave
(C'mon. There's funny right there, I don't care who ya' are...!)

It's time. Throw something alive in that tank and get after it. Throw in some cheap Damsels as test monkeys.
Thanks for this post. I was slow at the shop today with the weather so I did a 18gal water change in the 90 and may do one tomorrow in the one in the waiting/sound room tomorrow. Btw it looks like you have 130gal total volume, I would suggest more than a 10gal change at least while the tank is still fairly new.