Bottom line is salt mix is the "safe" option.
I say "safe" because there is almost no chance of introducing any malignant "surprises" into your tank from a lab-made salt mix.
Unless there is a major screw-up on a batch at the factory, this is the most reliable and consistant mix of salt and minerals from month to month, year to year, etc.
On the otherhand...
NSW is as close to "mother nature", natural ocean composition as you can get so there may be "hidden" benefits that aren't accounted for in lab-made salt mixes.
Of course the downside is all the variables that can throw a monkey wrench into the equation, especially if the water is collected locally.
Locally we have an extremely poor water quality, hense the severe die-off of 75-95% of Florida's coral reefs.
We dump several million gallons of partially treated sewage (nutrients) directly into the ocean off of Dade, Broward and Palm Beach every day which results in massive algae blooms, shifts in larval populations, and wild fluctuations in ppm for a huge host of excess nutrients depending on where and at what time (tides) the NSW is collected.
I have had 2 separate tank crashes (algae, bacterial) and an introduction of a foreign macro algae which completely overran a nano to the point of choking out and killing some corals due to locally collected NSW.
Since then I have stuck to salt mixes and LFS premade SW.
I can see the look on Chris' face right now... Chill, I'm getting to it.
Now comes the funny part... (feel free to laugh at me, I can take it.), regardless of my past experiences I am currently using the NSW from A.T.T.R.'s store that he mentioned above and have been very happy with both the results and the "lowest in town" price even tho I have to lug home 40-50gals every couple of days.
(I love having a pickup truck.)
Of course, all this advice and experience is coming from the guy who uses city of Tamarac tap water for top offs

, so take it for what it's worth.
If I had to say anything about collecting NSW, it would be to do it well away (5 miles +) from shore where you won't get such a heavy concentration of sewage and fertilizer, pesticide, herbacide, fungicide rich run-off from our lawns and soil.