Water Changes


Premium Member
Hi everyone,
I have approx 1300ltrs net I have just started using Calcium Chloride to keep the Calcium at correct levels, before that I was using Kalkwasser and doing weekly to fortnightly water changes.
I change between 300 and 400ltrs and would like to now do them monthly coming into winter.
My question is: will that be OK to a keep any chemicals from building to unsatisfactory levels.
Help most appreciated
You should be ok, as long as you have a good skimmer and the tank doesn't have a heavy bio load. As long as you do a 20-25% water change every month you should be good. I have a 375gal tank with roughly 500gal total volume, I use to do 90gal water changes once a month and had no problems. I perfer to do 45 gals every 7-10 days, but that just depends on my schedule. IMO the weekely wter changes are ideal, but doing monthly changes works just as well with the exception of chemical replacement. Just keep an eye on your water parameters and add any trace elements as needed.
Thanks I have a Deltec AP850 Skimmer and a goods sized bio load
Water changes aren't to much of a hassle because I use natural sea water and I live 3 km from a west coast surf beach, hubby and I have a farm bike and little trailer with two 200ltr barrels the locals think we are mad:)
Nitrates and phosphates seem to stay stable through the month, I use phosphate remover in a Deltec fluidiser.
Sounds like you should be good to go, just watch the trace elements during the month and you should be ok. I would occassionally add some magnesium and iodine to the tank when I would go a month between changes. I have a fairly heavy bio load of fish and mostly softies and LPS for corals. I know several people here who go a month or more between changes and their tanks do great.
and here i was worried 10% bi-weekly's wouldn't be good :D sorry to hijack, but would 5% weekly be better than 10% bi-weekly?
Not realy sure on that one. IMO there is a point where the amount of water you are changing becomes so little that it doesn't make much of a dent in the over all system to make it worth while. I n other words, the amount of water you are changing is not sufficant enough compared to the overall volume to change the chemical makeup. However that is just my own opinion. That said, I have always done a 20-25% water change every 3-4 weeks on my tanks. I have just recently switched and I am trying a 10% weekly water change. I have only been doing this for about 2 weeks now so it's too early to say if there is a difference.
lol i do 30% bi monthly and have for a year and havent had any ill effects from it. corals are as happy as can be. its my belief that in the more recent years salt companys have been saying more water changes are needed to keep a reef thriving. and people have come to believe that its absolutely needed. i guess to each his own but im proof that weekly and bi weekly water changes arent needed to keep a reef happy and thriving.
I agree, I have done monthly water changes for over 4 years now and things have always done good. I just recently switched to weekly changes (ok, sometimes bi-weekly if I get busy) to see if it would make a difference. I use to change 90 gals once a month, now i am trying 45 gals a week roughly. Too soon to say if it is worth it. I know several people who go months before diong a water change. I believe it just depends on the individual tank and situation. If the readings check good, then what's the difference.