water circulation ?'s


New member
i recently purchased a 120g tank, upgrading from my 65g. im going to go with mostly sps corals and would like to know if there is such thing as too much current. im going to get an oceans motions 4-way drum and sequence 5000 pump to power it. is this too much water flow for this tank?

thanks for answering my questions...
Technicallly no such thing as too much water movement. The more you have the better for SPS. Just keep in mind you want indirect flow. So in other words differnt flows from differnt directions crashing into each other or deflecting of the glass or overflows. This creates varied currents. Basically you want to keep away from a jet stream blasting constantly in one direction as this will harm sps.
i just added a seio to my 45 gal and i have a closed loop with a mag 12 on it. the sps love it. more flow is a good thing.
I have the 120 as well, 4300gph on closeloop, 2 Seios 1100, 1000gph return and wave box, still feeling not enough.