water in air hose


New member
I have been having trouble with my 9015, I have never been able to get the foam over halfway up the collection cup. I took apart the skimmer and noticed water in the air hose. I got the water out hooked it back together and the foam started to rise quickly and then after a minute it again is not getting above half way. I am thinking water is somehow getting in the air hose limiting the air. How do I fix this?
A little more info, I have the skimmer in the sump in about 6" of water. The bubbles are the at the same level this morning as last night. They seem like big bubbles, not small or foamy.
i think those skimmers have got to be a certain height from the base of the sump or i think the outlet tube is adjustable so you can play with whatever height you want the bubbles to be at in the collection cup if it's sucking water thru the air tube you will hear it sucking the air try listening for it........................
First, be sure water is exiting the stand pipe. If it is not, the skimmer cannot work in 6" of water. It should be a very slow flow. If water is entering the air intake the two probable culprits are it is submerged too deep, which it doesn't sound like it is, or the silence assembly has a leak. The best way to test this yourself is to take the skimmer apart so you only have the body, remove the blue air adjustment screw and plug the hole for the air adjustment screw and the hole directly across from it under where the cup would sit and then blow in from the air hose that would connect to the pump. If it does not hold pressure or makes a whistling, leak noise, there is a leak in the silencer assembly.
There is water coming slowly out the stand pipe. I will test out the silencer. If it has a leak what are my options?
The silencer would have to be replaced which is tricky, the space is very tight and it is not an easy repair so likely it would be best to send it in.
Another possibility is that if the blue sponge is past the top of the pipe, water will back up into the air intake, make sure the sponge is below the top of the pipe.