water mixing station: how large should reservoirs be?


Premium Member
I am building an in-wall with fish room. The tank will be 240g with a 100g (max) capacity sump. I'm guessing total water volume, accounting for sump half empty and tank having 5" sandbed and rock, to be about 240 gallons.

How big do I need to go for the water mixing station? I plan to get two water tanks of equal size, one for RODI water and one for salt mixing. I priced out 100 gallon tanks and have sticker shock once you factor in shipping. Would the cheap route (55 gallon brute cans) be ok or will I regret it later?

It's not a matter of space. It will be tight, but I can fit the standard vertical ace roto mold 100s.
A lot depends on how much water you plan on changing @ a time.
I have a 250 gallon & do 15 gallons a week using a spare container.
A 30 gallon with RO make up & a 55 gallon over that also with RO for water changes.
Also serves as an emergency water supply if needed. When I did maintenance a 42 gallon brute can with a cover was mostly what we used for RO water & made our monthly water change from that & refilled while we were away for next time.
Got these FREE from my Brother-in-law. I have the DOS doing Auto Water Change at a rate of 6L/day (on maybe 200g total system volume?). 1 bag of Reef Crystals makes 1 barrel and lasts about 1 month. The RO/DI can refill both barrels in just over 1 day.
They are in the garage, but I ran an Apex cord along the house. 1 barrel is top off, other is New Salt Water. I carry NO buckets anymore.
<a href="https://ibb.co/SXm1D9j"><img src="https://i.ibb.co/bgvyj80/20200217-165320.jpg" alt="20200217-165320" border="0"></a>
I have a 800g system roughly and change out between 150-200g each water change. My container was purchased off of craigslist and use to hold honey.
Also serves as an emergency water supply if needed.

+1 to this. Personally I think about emergency issues only when considering how big of a RODI and Saltwater holding tank to keep. If you do that, then water change issues usually pale in comparison. In an emergency a 50% water change may save your reef. If you have the ability to do a 50% water change a few days in a row, then all the better. I just recently bought a 150g RODI tank and 65 saltwater tank for my planned 180, this is a little overkill probably but I use RODI for all kinds of things, but most importantly, I keep it in reserve for emergencies.
Thanks for all the input!

I think I may just go for 55 gallon trash cans. It will be rough setting up my tank initially, will take almost a week to make all the water, but once I get going it should be ok.

Has anyone used Carlisle brand? They are cheaper than Rubbermaid Brute. They both are labeled as food safe.