water movement?


New member
Hi Rodger,
I will be setting up a RR 58gal. Oceanic soon and was wondering if you could give a recommendation on water movement. I currently have a Turbelle Electronic 7210/2. In addition to this I will be using a mag 5 for my return. I also have a 1/2" seaswirl but am not sure if I will be using this. What other water movement devices would you recommend (wave box, another 7200 and dual controller,small stream)? My system will be mainly sps w/ a few LPS. You helped set me up w/ the 7210 and I can't thank you enough. This thing is just flat out cool so I can omly imagine what a wave box or a stream on a dual controller would be like. Thanks for your time and help.
Take Care,
Well, the 58 is a great tank but a bit small, too many pumps become obvious pretty fast. I would upgrade the 7210/2 to a 7310 or 7410 by ghetting the bigger transformer. You could convert it to a 6000 for about $80 but while the SPS will love it, it will likely make life difficult for some of the LPS like torch and frogspawn. I think that while the wavebox would work it is big and would take a lot of room. You could also just add the seaswirl and get a bigger return and likely everything would work well. Thanks!
I currently have a Lobo and a Wellsophyllia I don't have any plans on adding anyother LPS just more SPS. That being the case would upgrading the 7210 to a 73 or 7410 be better or should I get the 6000 stream. If I understand correctly you are saying to take out the 7200 and replace it w/ the 6000 stream just run it off the single controller:confused: . Would I also use my driver and 12v converter just buy the stream powerhead? Thanks for your help.
You can buy about $80 in parts and convert a 7210/2 into a 6000 and single controller. It can be done as long as the pump is less than 2 years old.