Water top off method

When saltwater evaporates, only the water component evaporates. NaCl can't vaporize to any extent at 80 degrees F. Top off with fresh water.
+1 on the ro/di water and tunze osmolator. It will set you back a pretty penny but other than refilling my reservoir, I don't ever worry about my tank water evaporation issues.
I remember someone saying this to me years ago, can't remember where has I have been stationed up and down the east coast. There reasoning was because as the water evaporates some salt does come out that's why you get salt creep, and the skimmer removes some salt. Now if it true or not I still have never replace with saltwater just pure old limewater. Seeing this topic makes me want to measure that guys salinity.

just scrape the salt creep back in as it forms while cleaning and maintaining your system.