Wave box and DSB


Premium Member
Wonder if the wave box would cause blasting in a 200gal system w/ DSB? I love the wave actions from the videos somepone posted here but am concerned that the wave would blow my sand bed up like crazy?

Also would the wave actions from the wave box put excessive stresses on a glass tank. My tank is less than one yr old but how about the long term integrity of the tank?
I doubt it would, The stream in the box is not directed to the sandbed. It just pulses on\off causing a displacment of the water column in a rocking rythm simulating a wave. Your sandbed should get ripples like in the video.
Their is flow in every part of the tank, but yes, it will reduce the life of your tank and should never be used on a low quality or old aquarium, only on name brand aquaria from reputable manufacturers. Expect to lose about 1-2 years off the tanks life, but seeing as most tanks are built to last 15 years that is unlikely to be an issue seeing as the majority of people upgrade or change tanks well before 15 years is up.