Wavebox cord question


New member

Just received my wavebox and wavebox extension. I had holes drilled in the tank's eurobracing for the cord from the wavebox to the driver. Is there anyway to remove the cord from either the stream or driver so I can feed it through my hole in the bracing? Can I splice the cord, feed it through, and then wire back together? Looking for some options. Thanks,

Open the driver and unplug the cord. The directions for opening the driver and unplugging the cord are in the manual I think, if not PM me and on Monday I will send you a Stream manual.
I am placing the driver within a foot or so of the wavebox so I will have plenty of cord to play with. I will remove the wavebox from the magnetic holders, reverse feed the cord through the hole in the bracing, remove the box and clean. I should have 9 feet or so of slack to work with. Does this sound like it will work?