Wavebox location in tank


New member
I've just seen a wavebox on demo in my LFS, its great and I want one but placement is going to be difficult in my tank, I have a 5x2x2 which is aquascaped with 80kg of LR, the rock doesn't actually rest on the glass anywhere but it does come close to it. The only place I would be able to place it would mean that it would be facing directly onto LR and because of a overflow bulkhead it would have to be 3-4 inches below water level.

What guide lines do you give for placement of the device with particular advice on possible rock obstructions.

Perhaps you have a downloadable instruction manual?


.. Tony
It has to have at least 1" above water to work. It absolutely cannot be fully submerged. I think you will have to move the rock work slightly, I don't think it will be very effective if a rock is closer than 1ft from the outlet, the more clearance the better.