Wavebox placement.


New member
From the reading in this forum and common sense I know you can not place anything in front of the wavebox. My question is can anything be beside the box and if so how close.

I am making an overflow for the side of my 210 and I am going to build a recessed box that is a little oversized for the wavebox. First it will help mount it second it will help hide it.

Thanks for the help!

You can have things beside the box but I am not going to advocate enclosing it, it needs a tremendous amount of water and it has to fill and empty quickly so I would not do anything that obstructs this.
I am not going to enclose it. Actually I might build two overflows and stick in betweent the two. It should have about 4 inches on each side of the wavebox.

Thanks for the advice.

Can not wait until I get it.

I still think I am going to have to much flow. But I guess we will see.

Tank is 210(6x2x30') as pensuila. Two overflows on end running at max 1200 gph. A 4 way sequence (one output in each corner pointing towards the center) running at 1700 gph. And then the wave box on the same end as the overflows.