Wavebox Stream


New member
Hi Roger,
I purchased a 6200 stream as a backup for my wave box. The stream will run for a short period of time then stall. Are there internal modifications to the 6200 for use in the wavebox?
Thanks Bob
the pump in the wave box is not a 6200 its a 6100 with a 6200 grill and prop, you may find the motor block is over heating and thermaly cutting out.

I would think the 6200 has a high start up current and as such may not be ideal being driven at the high duty cycle of a wave box

Wait for Rogger to confirm.
OK looks like I gave you wrong info.

Froma previous post

"Don't run the wavebox without the controller, it can destroy the pump. The pump is a 6200 with a 6100 transformer, the flow is limited slightly by the box. A 6200 prop can use more current than a 6100 transformer can provide if even slightly impeded. In it's normal off and on function it never needs full power. The flow is more diffuse and will feel different, the outlet is bigger and as I said the flow is restricted by the box, it was never meant for continuous use, it was built to rapidly turn off and on.



Only other things I would try, use the 6100 transformer, check the controlers have the same part number, and there is a small Oring under the shaft for the prop, where it mounts to the magnet impeller,

But my wave box is running without this oring and seems fine
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Thanks for the feed back. I am using the stock setup everything up stream from the stream pump is as purchased. My problem is when I try to change only the stream not the electronics the pump ( which is new}freezes up.It may have something to do with the brakes.
I think the bush bearing (top collar insert) is loose. Something is not fitted properly and snagging the brakes. Check the bush bearing, make sure everything is firmly inserted.