Saturday I got a little bit done with the tank.
I did the tedious job of removing a pest macro that is trying to get established. It's a black/brown grasilaria, I think. I've seen it in two growth forms, or phenotypes. One is a thicker-stemmed phenotype, not far from the 'tree grasilaria', which looks OK. The other is more of a bushy turf that grows prolifically, and adds a rather dull color, dragging down the vibrant colors of everything around it. I had it in v1, and was never able to eradicate it. This time around, I'm determined to get rid of it, before it gets out of hand.
I pulled a few rocks to remove some bubble algae too. I have very little of it, and I'd like to eradicate it too. I considered getting an Emerald Crab, to go after the green bubbles, but after a little research, I decided against it. They eat small snails. While I was at it, I went ahead and modified my rock scape, as I had planned, to get a more natural looking arrangement. Only a few rocks were moved. I think I'm happy with it.
I pulled the Codium I had placed up on the fake walls, and put it back down among the grasses. After living with it for awhile, I decided it didn't look right. I like it much better on the sand.
I ordered some Caulerpa mexicana from eBay. Once again, I was disappointed. It was about one part caulerpa, two parts beard algae, which was inextricably tangled in a green mess. I picked what I could out of it and removed as much of the beardy stuff as possible, and put it in one of my QTs. Hopefully I can salvage some usable caulepra, without adding a pest. That someone would sell that makes my blood boil! It's like they cleaned out their tank, and sold the stuff they should have thrown away. Very disappointing.
I did a quick clean of my canister filter, and removed the charcoal, as well as the sponge filters, which are no longer needed. What remains is a little bio media and calcium media. I am continuing CO2 injection, through the intake.
I've seen no fish scratching for the last couple weeks or so, which is a relief. However, after reading a bit, I still have concerns. I could have ich in the tank. I don't know! I may not know until I try to add new fish. So I'm hesitant to start quarantining another round of fish. Rock and a hard place…
The Neon Damsels are growing, and growing more beautiful! Living jewels. I decided the enigmatic tuxedo damsel needed a name. My wife said his black and white coloring reminded here of prison clothes. So his name is Papillon.