Weirdo Macro ID help needed

6-line. That brown plant has grown a few thin leaves too now. It is looking a lot more like the Lobophora pics in my book, so until shown a better guess, Lobophora it is. thanx

if it is indeed lobophora, I'd be puling that junk out of there now.

It's hard to remove when new but mature it'll wafer or flake up and make removal somewhat easier.

hey 6, thanx for the thoughtful warning. I should explain what I am doing: I am trying an experiment in which I will maximize my algae biodiversity into as many genera (and species within) as I can obtain and during this, not let any one algae get to dominant proportions.

My goal is to see if I can get a certain stability WRT nutrient absorbtion and plant mass, that both keps the fertilizers down AND never limits out any key nutrient that would cause a particular algae to crash. So I am encouraging several potentially obnoxious algae such as Dictyota, Briopsis, C peltata(racemosa var). They aren't obnoxious when they don't really spread much. I also have 6 boxes of water on my system so I can actually evacuate corals to somewhere else if it looks like there will be algae-coral disputes.
I have a super nuisance algae that laughs at dictyota and bryopsis. It will take over your tank in a month, and out-compete everything in your tank. I'll take a picture of it later.
Something shredded the algae I posted the pic of just the other day. I don't know who dunnit, maybe a bristleworm?

Still hoping for an id for that algae.