Welcome to BEEF Central

"Picture Pages, Picture Pages,
Time to get your Picture Pages,
Time to get your crayons and your pencils..."

[closing] "You can play with Picture Pages,
FIll your day with Picture Pages,
'Till Bill Cosby does another Picture Page with you!"
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bee bee bee boo boo bee boo boo boo

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12234828#post12234828 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by craftytony
Where is Allison? I am scared now due to the way I treated it yesterday :(
How ya feeling today? :eek:
aiko670 why r u making beefy cry? u r just being a brat lately ...first you post free pizza and there is none.... now u r picking on beefy.... your a BAD BOY.....lol
Thats a lot of beef!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12229708#post12229708 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by lovereefs1
As I was sitting in MY BIG comfy chair, behind MY BIG EXECUTIVE desk, in MY BIG EXECUTIVE PENTHOUSE office high atop the Beef Central Inc. Corporate Headquarters in lovely Huntley, IL. I stumbled across this:

What exactly does this mean Mike? :confused: Just because I'm the BIG guy now does not give you or any of the other little people a right to make implications that MY POWER and CONTROL of MY BOARD could somehow make ME become power hungry, absolute, or corrupt. Just remember who signs your checks mister! :mad2: Consider this a warning, next time you will be issued a YGPM. Furthermore, the next time you pick up lunch for the Beef Central Board of Directors (BCBOD or"ME"), make sure you get spoons for the frosty's!! This level of incompetence will not be tolerated within MY organization!

I would like to thank all those who support ME and or Beef Central. :love2:
Beef Central Inc. has a new line of official "Beef Central" active wear available to the reefing community. This limited edition fashion line was created by A.T.T.R. and is sure to be a hit everywhere...get it while you can!!! Heres a sneak peek:


P.S. DC.... The check is in the mail like the cookies ;)