Western_reefers 28 gallon Nano-Cube HQI diary.

Wow...great tank and great thread! Question: for the benefit of everyone, can you list all that you do to maintain your tank? What do you dose, supplement, etc? What do you feed, and how often? Hope to get as much detail as possible. I'm about to pull the trigger on a setup very similar to yours, so this thread has been invaluable. Keep up the great work!

Sure! :) I change out the Carbon and GFO once a month, weekly water changes of 7 gallons = 25%(equals to a total of 100% by the end of the month) and when I do the water changes, I blow the crap off the rocks with a powerhead and siphon the crap that gets settled in the back chamber, clean the skimmer cup once a month, no supplements at all just daily dosing of B-ionic 2 part Cal/Alk, daily top off with RO/DI water, MH is on 8 hours a day(Phoenix bulb, I change it out every 10 months or so), and clean the glass daily. Oh, and since I only have 1 fire fish lol, I pretty much hardly ever feed the tank. Thats it! :) Thanks!
Love that topdown, but it looks like you may be out of room! Maybe time for a bigger tank? ;) Dendros looking great also.
Thanks!! :)

+1 - who doesn't need a bigger tank! :fun2:

Hahaha, I'm a high school student, so my funds are very limited. But once I get a job and save enough money, I'm definitely going to upgrade! Already have a few plans for the next upgrade. lol But the tank wont be too much bigger than this nano because my parents wont let me get anything too big. haha
HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYONE!!! Today is my nanos 1 year Anniversary!! :D Here are before and after pictures of the nano. :D






(Watch the browned out Jedi Mind Trick Monti grow and color up!)

Here is a close up of a few SPS that I grew out from tiny frags. (the big bloch of hairy red algae next to the SPS is actually a small tropical abalone with algae growing on its shell.. lol)
Tank is looking great Moses great job !
And love your husbandry thats what made this tank what it is today.
I do the same but my tank don't even look half as good LoL.
Tank has come a long way. I have enjoyed watching the progression over the last year. I have always admired your rock work, and it looks even better now with all the corals maturing!

Keep up the good work. Looking forward to seeing it in another year.
Have some good news! Just got these corals yesterday!! They look WAYYY better in person! Can't seem to capture the right colors... I LOVE these frags!! :D



Wow Moses, what a great story you've built with this amazing reef. I've thoroughly enjoyed going through all 27 pages so far, heh. I didn't get to read every detail, but loved all the pics of the progress. I'm sure I'll have more questions later, after I've decided which route I'm taking for myself.

For starters, I loved your back rock-wall you built. What did you use for the epoxy/cement? The rocks are just ziptied to the back eggcrate frame?

Is the PVC pipe network on the wall and bottom just "for fun" for the fish to hang out, or do you have some kind of water flow directed through there somehow? Just curious. I thought maybe any stagnant zones in there might harbor polluted water though. I figured if it was ONLY for support legs, you would've capped them off. Cool idea though, I like it.

Beautiful pics, what camera & lens? Thanks for sharing!
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Wow Moses, what a great story you've built with this amazing reef. I've thoroughly enjoyed going through all 27 pages so far, heh. I didn't get to read every detail, but loved all the pics of the progress. I'm sure I'll have more questions later, after I've decided which route I'm taking for myself.

For starters, I loved your back rock-wall you built. What did you use for the epoxy/cement? The rocks are just ziptied to the back eggcrate frame?

Is the PVC pipe network on the wall and bottom just "for fun" for the fish to hang out, or do you have some kind of water flow directed through there somehow? Just curious. I thought maybe any stagnant zones in there might harbor polluted water though. I figured if it was ONLY for support legs, you would've capped them off. Cool idea though, I like it.

Beautiful pics, what camera & lens? Thanks for sharing!

Thanks!! :-D

I used Water Weld Epoxy. Yup, I just ziptied the rocks to the eggcrate frame.

Its for an Eel that I still plan on getting, but just haven't had the time or money to go searching for one locally... When I do water changes every week, I blow out anything that might have accumulated in the PVC over the week.
Hey Moses,

I recently purchased a gorgonian because it was so cool. I now hear they are hard to keep but that you have had much success. Any tips you can give? I have a 29BC with the stock PC lighting. I have had the tank for 4 months and added the Gorg about 2 weeks ago and it looks really happy so far.

BTW your tank is awesome. When I get a chance I will read from the beginning.
Hey Moses,

I recently purchased a gorgonian because it was so cool. I now hear they are hard to keep but that you have had much success. Any tips you can give? I have a 29BC with the stock PC lighting. I have had the tank for 4 months and added the Gorg about 2 weeks ago and it looks really happy so far.

BTW your tank is awesome. When I get a chance I will read from the beginning.

What kind of Gorgonian is it? Do you have any pictures of it?

Thanks!! :D